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function _simplenews_block in Simplenews 5

Helper function: generate block content before theming Collects data and applies access restriction

1 call to _simplenews_block()
simplenews_block in ./simplenews.module
Implementation of hook_block().


./simplenews.module, line 718


function _simplenews_block($tid) {
  global $user;
  $block = array();
  $recent = simplenews_recent_newsletters($tid, variable_get('simplenews_block_i_' . $tid, 5));
  $block['subscribed'] = simplenews_user_is_subscribed($user->mail, $tid) == TRUE;
  $block['user'] = !empty($user->uid);
  $block['tid'] = $tid;
  $block['message'] = check_plain(variable_get('simplenews_block_m_' . $tid, t('Stay informed on our latest news!')));
  if (user_access('subscribe to newsletters')) {
    $block['form'] = drupal_get_form('simplenews_block_form_' . $tid);
    $block['subscription-link'] = l(t('Manage my subscriptions'), 'newsletter/subscriptions');
  if (user_access('view links in block') || user_access('administer newsletters')) {
    $block['newsletter-link'] = l(t('Previous issues'), 'taxonomy/term/' . $tid);
    $block['itemlist'] = theme('item_list', $recent, t('Previous issues'), 'ul');
    $block['rssfeed'] = theme('feed_icon', url('taxonomy/term/' . $tid . '/0/feed'));
  return $block;