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11 uses of SIMPLENEWS_STATUS_SEND_PENDING in Simplenews 8

SendIssue::executeMultiple in src/Plugin/Action/SendIssue.php
Executes the plugin for an array of objects.
SimplenewsSendTest::testDelete in src/Tests/SimplenewsSendTest.php
Create a newsletter, send mails and then delete.
SimplenewsSendTest::testSendNowCron in src/Tests/SimplenewsSendTest.php
Send a newsletter without using cron.
SimplenewsSendTest::testSendNowCronThrottle in src/Tests/SimplenewsSendTest.php
Send a newsletter using cron and a low throttle.
simplenews_demo_install in modules/simplenews_demo/simplenews_demo.install
simplenews_form_node_form_alter in ./simplenews.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
simplenews_node_access in ./simplenews.module
Implements hook_node_access().
simplenews_rules_action_send in simplenews_rules/
Action implementation, send a newsletter node.
SpoolStorage::addFromEntity in src/Spool/SpoolStorage.php
Add the newsletter node to the mail spool.
SpoolStorage::issueSummary in src/Spool/SpoolStorage.php
Returns a summary of key newsletter issue parameters.
StopIssue::executeMultiple in src/Plugin/Action/StopIssue.php
Executes the plugin for an array of objects.