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function hook_simplenews_unsubscribe in Simplenews 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 simplenews.api.php \hook_simplenews_unsubscribe()
  2. 8 simplenews.api.php \hook_simplenews_unsubscribe()
  3. 3.x simplenews.api.php \hook_simplenews_unsubscribe()

Invoked if a subscriber is unsubscribed from a newsletter.


$subscriber: The subscriber object including all subscriptions of this user.

$subscription: The subscription object for this specific unsubscribe action.

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1 function implements hook_simplenews_unsubscribe()

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1 invocation of hook_simplenews_unsubscribe()
simplenews_unsubscribe in ./simplenews.module
Unsubscribe a user from a mailing list or send a confirmation mail.


./simplenews.api.php, line 184
Hooks provided by the Simplenews module.


function hook_simplenews_unsubscribe(SimplenewsSubscriber $subscriber, $subscription) {