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function simplenews_send_source in Simplenews 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \simplenews_send_source()

Send a node to an email address.


$source: The source object.s

Return value

boolean TRUE if the email was successfully delivered; otherwise FALSE.

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includes/, line 161
Simplenews email send and spool handling


function simplenews_send_source(SimplenewsSourceInterface $source) {
  $params['simplenews_source'] = $source;

  // Send mail.
  $message = drupal_mail('simplenews', $source
    ->getKey(), $source
    ->getRecipient(), $source
    ->getLanguage(), $params, $source

  // Log sent result in watchdog.
  if (variable_get('simplenews_debug', FALSE)) {
    if ($message['result']) {
      watchdog('simplenews', 'Outgoing email. Message type: %type<br />Subject: %subject<br />Recipient: %to', array(
        '%type' => $source
        '%to' => $message['to'],
        '%subject' => $message['subject'],
    else {
      watchdog('simplenews', 'Outgoing email failed. Message type: %type<br />Subject: %subject<br />Recipient: %to', array(
        '%type' => $source
        '%to' => $message['to'],
        '%subject' => $message['subject'],

  // Build array of sent results for spool table and reporting.
  if ($message['result']) {
    $result = array(
      'status' => SIMPLENEWS_SPOOL_DONE,
      'error' => FALSE,
  else {

    // This error may be caused by faulty mailserver configuration or overload.
    // Mark "pending" to keep trying.
    $result = array(
      'error' => TRUE,
  return $result;