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Functions in Simplenews 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
template_preprocess_simplenews_block ./simplenews.module Process variables to format the simplenews block.
template_preprocess_simplenews_multi_block ./simplenews.module Process variables to format the simplenews newsletter footer.
template_preprocess_simplenews_newsletter_body ./simplenews.module Process variables to format the simplenews newsletter body.
template_preprocess_simplenews_newsletter_footer ./simplenews.module Process variables to format the simplenews newsletter footer.
template_preprocess_simplenews_status includes/ Process variables to format the simplenews status indication.
theme_simplenews_newsletter_subject ./simplenews.module Theme the newsletter email subject.
theme_simplenews_subscription_list includes/ Theme subscription administration overview.
_simplenews_absolute_mail_urls includes/ Helper function for simplenews_html_to_text(). 1
_simplenews_flatten_array ./simplenews.module Flatten a nested array 2
_simplenews_format_options ./simplenews.module Determine possible mail format options. 2
_simplenews_generate_hash ./simplenews.module Generate the hash key used for subscribe/unsubscribe link. 1
_simplenews_get_newsletter_settings ./simplenews.module This helper function retrieves simplenews settings from database and formats in for simplenews friendly default structure. 1
_simplenews_get_node_defaults ./simplenews.module Get defaults for the simplenews node form. 2
_simplenews_headers includes/ Build header array with priority and receipt confirmation settings. 1
_simplenews_html_replace includes/ Helper function for simplenews_html_to_text(). 1
_simplenews_install_nodetype ./simplenews.install Create simplenews node type. 2
_simplenews_install_vocabulary ./simplenews.install Create simplenews vocabulary and initial term. 1
_simplenews_measure_usec includes/ Helper function to measure PHP execution time in microseconds. 1
_simplenews_set_filter includes/ Store filter values in session var 1
_simplenews_set_from includes/ Build formatted from-name and email for a mail object. 5
_simplenews_subscription_confirmation_text ./simplenews.module Generate default and custom subscription confirmation email text. 3
_simplenews_subscription_filter_default includes/ Helper function: returns subscription filter default settings 2
_simplenews_tt_newsletter_name ./simplenews.module Helper function to translate a newsletter name if required. 3
_simplenews_user_load ./simplenews.module Load a user or creates a dummy anonymous user. 4


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