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function theme_simplelogin_imageupload in SimpleLogin 7

Implements theme_sl_imageupload theme callback.

1 theme call to theme_simplelogin_imageupload()
simplelogin_background_form in inc/
Implements of background image form.


./simplelogin.module, line 143
The Login screens, which controls the customized background image.


function theme_simplelogin_imageupload($variables) {
  $element = $variables['element'];
  $opt = '';
  if ($element['fid']['#value'] != 0) {
    $uri = file_load($element['fid']['#value'])->uri;
    $array = array(
      'style_name' => 'thumbnail',
      'path' => $uri,
      'getsize' => FALSE,
    $opt .= '<div>' . theme('image_style', $array) . '</div>';
  if ($element['fid']['#value'] != 0) {
    $element['filename']['#markup'] .= ' <span class="file-size">(' . format_size($element['#file']->filesize) . ')</span> ';
  $opt .= drupal_render_children($element);
  return $opt;