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class QueueWorker in Simple XML sitemap 4.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Queue/QueueWorker.php \Drupal\simple_sitemap\Queue\QueueWorker


Expanded class hierarchy of QueueWorker

6 files declare their use of QueueWorker
Generator.php in src/Manager/Generator.php
SimpleSitemapCommands.php in src/Commands/SimpleSitemapCommands.php
SimplesitemapTest.php in tests/src/Functional/SimplesitemapTest.php in ./
Drush (< 9) integration.
simple_sitemap.module in ./simple_sitemap.module
Main module file containing hooks.

... See full list

1 string reference to 'QueueWorker' in ./
1 service uses QueueWorker
simple_sitemap.queue_worker in ./


src/Queue/QueueWorker.php, line 14


View source
class QueueWorker {
  use BatchTrait;
  protected const REBUILD_QUEUE_CHUNK_ITEM_SIZE = 5000;
  public const LOCK_ID = 'simple_sitemap:generation';
  public const GENERATE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 3600;
  public const GENERATE_TYPE_FORM = 'form';
  public const GENERATE_TYPE_DRUSH = 'drush';
  public const GENERATE_TYPE_CRON = 'cron';
  public const GENERATE_TYPE_BACKEND = 'backend';

   * @var \Drupal\simple_sitemap\Settings
  protected $settings;

   * @var \Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface
  protected $state;

   * @var \Drupal\simple_sitemap\Queue\SimpleSitemapQueue
  protected $queue;

   * @var \Drupal\simple_sitemap\Logger
  protected $logger;

   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
  protected $moduleHandler;

   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * @var \Drupal\Core\Lock\LockBackendInterface
  protected $lock;

   * @var \Drupal\simple_sitemap\Entity\SimpleSitemapInterface
  protected $variantProcessedNow;

   * @var array
  protected $results = [];

   * @var array
  protected $processedResults = [];

   * @var array
  protected $processedPaths = [];

   * @var array
  protected $generatorSettings;

   * @var int|null
  protected $maxLinks;

   * @var int|null
  protected $elementsRemaining;

   * @var int|null
  protected $elementsTotal;

   * QueueWorker constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\simple_sitemap\Settings $settings
   * @param \Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface $state
   * @param \Drupal\simple_sitemap\Queue\SimpleSitemapQueue $element_queue
   * @param \Drupal\simple_sitemap\Logger $logger
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Lock\LockBackendInterface $lock
  public function __construct(Settings $settings, StateInterface $state, SimpleSitemapQueue $element_queue, Logger $logger, ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, LockBackendInterface $lock) {
    $this->settings = $settings;
    $this->state = $state;
    $this->queue = $element_queue;
    $this->logger = $logger;
    $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;
    $this->lock = $lock;

   * @param string[]|string|null $variants
   * @return $this
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginException
  public function queue($variants = NULL) : QueueWorker {
    $all_data_sets = [];
    $empty_variants = [];
    $variants = $variants !== NULL ? (array) $variants : NULL;

    /** @var \Drupal\simple_sitemap\Entity\SimpleSitemap[] $variants */
    $variants = $this->entityTypeManager
    foreach ($variants as $variant_id => $variant) {
      $data_sets = [];
      foreach ($variant
        ->getUrlGenerators() as $url_generator_id => $url_generator) {
        $data_sets = $url_generator

        //todo automatically set variant
        foreach ($data_sets as $data_set) {
          $all_data_sets[] = [
            'data' => $data_set,
            'sitemap' => $variant_id,
            'url_generator' => $url_generator_id,
          if (count($all_data_sets) === self::REBUILD_QUEUE_CHUNK_ITEM_SIZE) {
            $all_data_sets = [];
      if (empty($data_sets)) {
        $empty_variants[] = $variant_id;
    if (!empty($all_data_sets)) {

    // Remove all sitemap content of variants which did not yield any queue elements.
    foreach ($empty_variants as $empty_variant) {
    return $this;

   * @param string[]|string|null $variants
   * @return $this
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginException
  public function rebuildQueue($variants = NULL) : QueueWorker {
    if (!$this->lock
      ->acquire(static::LOCK_ID)) {
      throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to acquire a lock for sitemap queue rebuilding');
    return $this;
  protected function queueElements($elements) : void {
      ->set('simple_sitemap.queue_items_initial_amount', $this->state
      ->get('simple_sitemap.queue_items_initial_amount') + count($elements));

   * @param string $from
   * @return $this
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginException
  public function generateSitemap(string $from = self::GENERATE_TYPE_FORM) : QueueWorker {
    $this->generatorSettings = [
      'base_url' => $this->settings
        ->get('base_url', ''),
      'xsl' => $this->settings
        ->get('xsl', TRUE),
      'default_variant' => $this->settings
        ->get('default_variant', NULL),
      'skip_untranslated' => $this->settings
        ->get('skip_untranslated', FALSE),
      'remove_duplicates' => $this->settings
        ->get('remove_duplicates', TRUE),
      'excluded_languages' => $this->settings
        ->get('excluded_languages', []),
    $this->maxLinks = $this->settings
    $max_execution_time = $this->settings
      ->get('generate_duration', 10000);
    if (!$this
      ->generationInProgress()) {

    // Acquire a lock for max execution time + 5 seconds. If max_execution time
    // is unlimited then lock for 1 hour.
    $lock_timeout = $max_execution_time > 0 ? $max_execution_time / 1000 + 5 : static::GENERATE_LOCK_TIMEOUT;
    if (!$this->lock
      ->acquire(static::LOCK_ID, $lock_timeout)) {
      throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to acquire a lock for sitemap generation');
    foreach ($this->queue
      ->yieldItem() as $element) {
      if (!empty($max_execution_time) && Timer::read('simple_sitemap_generator') >= $max_execution_time) {
      try {
        if ($this->variantProcessedNow === NULL || $element->data['sitemap'] !== $this->variantProcessedNow
          ->id()) {
          if (NULL !== $this->variantProcessedNow) {
          $this->variantProcessedNow = $this->entityTypeManager
          $this->processedPaths = [];
        if (!empty($this->maxLinks) && count($this->results) >= $this->maxLinks) {
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
        watchdog_exception('simple_sitemap', $e);

      //todo May want to use deleteItems() instead.
    if ($this
      ->getQueuedElementCount() === 0) {
    else {
    return $this;

   * @param $element
  protected function generateResultsFromElement($element) : void {
    $results = $this->variantProcessedNow
    $this->results = array_merge($this->results, $results);

   * @param array $results
  protected function removeDuplicates(array &$results) : void {
    if ($this->generatorSettings['remove_duplicates'] && !empty($results)) {
      $result = $results[key($results)];
      if (isset($result['meta']['path'])) {
        if (isset($this->processedPaths[$result['meta']['path']])) {
          $results = [];
        else {
          $this->processedPaths[$result['meta']['path']] = TRUE;

   * @param bool $complete
  protected function generateVariantChunksFromResults(bool $complete = FALSE) : void {
    if (!empty($this->results)) {
      $processed_results = $this->results;
      $variant_id = $this->variantProcessedNow
        ->alter('simple_sitemap_links', $processed_results, $variant_id);

      // todo Context could be sitemap object instead?
      $this->processedResults = array_merge($this->processedResults, $processed_results);
      $this->results = [];
    if (empty($this->processedResults)) {
    if (!empty($this->maxLinks)) {
      foreach (array_chunk($this->processedResults, $this->maxLinks, TRUE) as $chunk_links) {
        if ($complete || count($chunk_links) === $this->maxLinks) {
          $this->processedResults = array_diff_key($this->processedResults, $chunk_links);
    else {
      $this->processedResults = [];
  protected function publishCurrentVariant() : void {
    if ($this->variantProcessedNow !== NULL) {
  protected function resetWorker() {
    $this->results = [];
    $this->processedPaths = [];
    $this->processedResults = [];
    $this->variantProcessedNow = NULL;
    $this->elementsTotal = NULL;
    $this->elementsRemaining = NULL;

   * @return $this
  public function deleteQueue() : QueueWorker {
    SimpleSitemap::purgeContent(NULL, SimpleSitemap::FETCH_BY_STATUS_UNPUBLISHED);
      ->set('simple_sitemap.queue_items_initial_amount', 0);
    return $this;
  protected function stashResults() : void {
      ->set('simple_sitemap.queue_stashed_results', [
      'variant' => $this->variantProcessedNow
      'results' => $this->results,
      'processed_results' => $this->processedResults,
      'processed_paths' => $this->processedPaths,
  protected function unstashResults() : void {
    if (NULL !== ($results = $this->state
      ->get('simple_sitemap.queue_stashed_results'))) {
      $this->results = !empty($results['results']) ? $results['results'] : [];
      $this->processedResults = !empty($results['processed_results']) ? $results['processed_results'] : [];
      $this->processedPaths = !empty($results['processed_paths']) ? $results['processed_paths'] : [];
      $this->variantProcessedNow = $this->entityTypeManager
  public function getInitialElementCount() : ?int {
    if (NULL === $this->elementsTotal) {
      $this->elementsTotal = (int) $this->state
        ->get('simple_sitemap.queue_items_initial_amount', 0);
    return $this->elementsTotal;

   * @param bool $force_recount
   * @return int
  public function getQueuedElementCount(bool $force_recount = FALSE) : ?int {
    if ($force_recount || NULL === $this->elementsRemaining) {
      $this->elementsRemaining = $this->queue
    return $this->elementsRemaining;

   * @return int
  public function getStashedResultCount() : int {
    $results = $this->state
      ->get('simple_sitemap.queue_stashed_results', []);
    return (!empty($results['results']) ? count($results['results']) : 0) + (!empty($results['processed_results']) ? count($results['processed_results']) : 0);

   * @return int
  public function getProcessedElementCount() : ?int {
    $initial = $this
    $remaining = $this
    return $initial > $remaining ? $initial - $remaining : 0;

   * @return bool
  public function generationInProgress() : bool {
    return 0 < $this
      ->getQueuedElementCount() + $this



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
BatchTrait::$batch protected property
BatchTrait::$batchErrorMessage protected static property
BatchTrait::batchGenerateSitemap public function
BatchTrait::doBatchGenerateSitemap public static function @todo Variants into generateSitemap().
BatchTrait::finishGeneration public static function Callback function called by the batch API when all operations are finished.
QueueWorker::$elementsRemaining protected property
QueueWorker::$elementsTotal protected property
QueueWorker::$entityTypeManager protected property
QueueWorker::$generatorSettings protected property
QueueWorker::$lock protected property
QueueWorker::$logger protected property
QueueWorker::$maxLinks protected property
QueueWorker::$moduleHandler protected property
QueueWorker::$processedPaths protected property
QueueWorker::$processedResults protected property
QueueWorker::$queue protected property
QueueWorker::$results protected property
QueueWorker::$settings protected property
QueueWorker::$state protected property
QueueWorker::$variantProcessedNow protected property
QueueWorker::deleteQueue public function
QueueWorker::generateResultsFromElement protected function
QueueWorker::generateSitemap public function
QueueWorker::generateVariantChunksFromResults protected function
QueueWorker::GENERATE_LOCK_TIMEOUT public constant
QueueWorker::GENERATE_TYPE_BACKEND public constant
QueueWorker::GENERATE_TYPE_CRON public constant
QueueWorker::GENERATE_TYPE_DRUSH public constant
QueueWorker::GENERATE_TYPE_FORM public constant
QueueWorker::generationInProgress public function
QueueWorker::getInitialElementCount public function
QueueWorker::getProcessedElementCount public function
QueueWorker::getQueuedElementCount public function
QueueWorker::getStashedResultCount public function
QueueWorker::LOCK_ID public constant
QueueWorker::publishCurrentVariant protected function
QueueWorker::queue public function
QueueWorker::queueElements protected function
QueueWorker::rebuildQueue public function
QueueWorker::REBUILD_QUEUE_CHUNK_ITEM_SIZE protected constant
QueueWorker::removeDuplicates protected function
QueueWorker::resetWorker protected function
QueueWorker::stashResults protected function
QueueWorker::unstashResults protected function
QueueWorker::__construct public function QueueWorker constructor.
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 4
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.