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function simple_sitemap_update_8403 in Simple XML sitemap 4.x

Migrate the default_hreflang sitemap type and its variants to new configuration entities.


./simple_sitemap.install, line 844
Module install and update procedures.


function simple_sitemap_update_8403() {

  // Create default_hreflang sitemap type.
  $type_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  if ($type_storage
    ->load('default_hreflang') === NULL) {
      'id' => 'default_hreflang',
      'label' => 'Default hreflang',
      'description' => 'The default hreflang sitemap type.',
      'sitemap_generator' => 'default',
      'url_generators' => [

  // Migrate variants of default_hreflang sitemap type.
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  $sitemap_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  $old_variants_config = $config_factory
  foreach ($old_variants_config
    ->get('variants') as $variant_id => $variant_definition) {
    if ($sitemap_storage
      ->load(substr($variant_id, 0, 32)) === NULL) {
        'id' => substr($variant_id, 0, 32),
        'label' => $variant_definition['label'] ?? $variant_id,
        'type' => 'default_hreflang',
        'weight' => $variant_definition['weight'] ?? 0,
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('simple_sitemap.variants.') as $config) {
  return t('All variants belonging to the built-in "Default hreflang" sitemap type have been converted to entities. Custom sitemap types added via plugins will have to be recreated manually. See simple_sitemap.type.default_hreflang.yml. The sitemaps need to be regenerated now.');