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public function SimpleMegaMenuTest::testMegaMenu in Simple Mega Menu 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.0.x src/Tests/SimpleMegaMenuTest.php \Drupal\simple_megamenu\Tests\SimpleMegaMenuTest::testMegaMenu()

Tests that the home page loads with a 200 response.


src/Tests/SimpleMegaMenuTest.php, line 184


Simple test to ensure that main page loads with module enabled.




public function testMegaMenu() {
  $content_path = '/admin/content/simple_mega_menu/add/megamenu';

  // Check that the field appears in the form.
    ->assertText('The name of the Simple mega menu entity.');

  // Create a mage menu entity with some fields filled.
  $fields = [
    'field_text' => [
      0 => [
        'value' => 'CTA text for mega menu',
    'field_links' => [
      0 => [
        'uri' => '',
        'title' => 'See Flocon de toile',
      1 => [
        'uri' => 'route:<front>',
        'title' => 'Contact us',

  /* @var \Drupal\simple_megamenu\Entity\SimpleMegaMenu $mega_menu */
  $mega_menu = $this
    ->createMegaMenu('megamenu', 'Services', 'en', $this->user
    ->id(), $fields);

  // Create some Menu link content.
  $menu_service = $this
    ->createMenuLink('Services main', 'route:<front>');
    ->createMenuLink('Services child', 'route:<front>', 0, 'main', 1, $menu_service
  $menu_path = '/admin/structure/menu/item/';
    ->drupalGet($menu_path . $menu_service
    ->id() . '/edit');
  $edit = [
    'simple_mega_menu' => $mega_menu
      ->label() . ' (' . $mega_menu
      ->id() . ')',
    ->drupalPostForm($menu_path . $menu_service
    ->id() . '/edit', $edit, 'Save');
    ->assertText('The menu link has been saved.');
    ->assertText('Services main');

  // Check the Mega menu is present.
    ->assertText('CTA text for mega menu');
    ->assertText('See Flocon de toile');
    ->assertText('Contact us');

  // Access to the canonical page.
    ->drupalGet('/admin/content/simple_mega_menu/' . $mega_menu
    ->drupalGet('/admin/content/simple_mega_menu/' . $mega_menu

  /* @var \Drupal\simple_megamenu\Entity\SimpleMegaMenu $mega_menu */
  $mega_menu2 = $this
    ->createMegaMenu('megamenu', 'Services2', 'en', $this->user
    ->id(), $fields);