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function simple_ldap_user_find_tids_by_terms in Simple LDAP 7.2

1 call to simple_ldap_user_find_tids_by_terms()
simple_ldap_user_translate_term_ldap_to_drupal in simple_ldap_user/
Map the value(s) in the LDAP attr to one or more TIDs. This will *NOT* create new Terms if they are not present, and this funciton does not understand the term's heirarchy. If the term's name is ambiguous, the one selected depends on the…


simple_ldap_user/, line 180


function simple_ldap_user_find_tids_by_terms($info, $terms) {
  if (empty($terms)) {
    return array();

  // Find all the valid vocabularies
  $vocab_machine_names = array();
  foreach ($info['settings']['allowed_values'] as $allowed_vocab) {
    $vocab_machine_names[] = $allowed_vocab['vocabulary'];

  // Build the SQL
  $sql = "SELECT tid FROM {taxonomy_term_data} td WHERE IN (:terms)";
  if (!empty($vocab_machine_names)) {
    $sql .= " AND vid IN (SELECT vid FROM {taxonomy_vocabulary} WHERE machine_name IN (:machine_names))";

  // One query is all we need.
  $db_result = db_query($sql, array(
    ':terms' => $terms,
    ':machine_names' => $vocab_machine_names,
  $results = array();
  foreach ($db_result as $record) {
    $results[] = (array) $record;
  return $results;