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public function SimpleFbConnectUserManager::loginUser in Simple FB Connect 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/SimpleFbConnectUserManager.php \Drupal\simple_fb_connect\SimpleFbConnectUserManager::loginUser()

Logs the user in.

@todo Add Boost integtraion when Boost is available for D8


\Drupal\user\Entity\User $drupal_user: User object.

Return value

bool True if login was successful False if the login was blocked


src/SimpleFbConnectUserManager.php, line 170
Contains \Drupal\simple_fb_connect\SimpleFbConnectUserManager.


Contains all logic that is related to Drupal user management.




public function loginUser(User $drupal_user) {

  // Prevent admin login if defined in module settings.
  if ($this
    ->loginDisabledForAdmin($drupal_user)) {
      ->t('Facebook login is disabled for site administrator. Login with your local user account.'), 'error');
    return FALSE;

  // Prevent login if user has one of the roles defined in module settings.
  if ($this
    ->loginDisabledByRole($drupal_user)) {
      ->t('Facebook login is disabled for your role. Please login with your local user account.'), 'error');
    return FALSE;

  // Check that the account is active and log the user in.
  if ($drupal_user
    ->isActive()) {

    // Dispatch an event so that other modules can react to the user login.
    // Set the account twice on the event: as the main subject but also in the
    // list of arguments.
    $event = new GenericEvent($drupal_user, [
      'account' => $drupal_user,
      ->dispatch('simple_fb_connect.user_login', $event);

    // TODO: Add Boost cookie if Boost module is enabled
      ->t('You are now logged in as @username.', array(
      '@username' => $drupal_user
    return TRUE;

  // If we are still here, account is blocked.
    ->t('You could not be logged in because your user account @username is not active.', array(
    '@username' => $drupal_user
  )), 'warning');
    ->warning('Facebook login for user @user prevented. Account is blocked.', array(
    '@user' => $drupal_user
  return FALSE;