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Functions in Simple Dialog 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
simple_dialog_add_js ./simple_dialog.module Adds the necessary js and libraries to make the dialog work. Really just adds the jquery.ui library and the simple dialog javscript file but if we need to add anything else down the road, at least it's abstracted into an api function 1
simple_dialog_example_examples_page simple_dialog_example/simple_dialog_example.module Outputs the page with the example links 1
simple_dialog_example_help simple_dialog_example/simple_dialog_example.module Implements hook_help().
simple_dialog_example_menu simple_dialog_example/simple_dialog_example.module Implements hook_menu().
simple_dialog_example_target_page simple_dialog_example/simple_dialog_example.module Outputs the page that is loaded into the modal windows 1
simple_dialog_help ./simple_dialog.module Implements hook_help().
simple_dialog_init ./simple_dialog.module Implements hook_init().
simple_dialog_menu ./simple_dialog.module Implements hook_menu().
simple_dialog_permission ./simple_dialog.module Implements hook_permission().
simple_dialog_settings_form ./simple_dialog.module 1
simple_dialog_theme ./simple_dialog.module Implements hook_theme().
theme_simple_dialog_link ./simple_dialog.module Formats the a link to launch the target path in a jquery ui dialog modal frame.

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