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function similarterms_taxonomy_get_vocabularies in Similar By Terms 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 similarterms.module \similarterms_taxonomy_get_vocabularies()

This function gets taxonomy vocabularies and add in 0 for "all vocabs";

3 calls to similarterms_taxonomy_get_vocabularies()
similarterms_form_alter in ./similarterms.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
similarterms_node_save in ./similarterms.module
Function to populate overrides table
similarterms_node_validate in ./similarterms.module
Implements hook_node_validate().


./similarterms.module, line 499
Similar By Terms module displays a block with similar content based on taxonomy terms.


function similarterms_taxonomy_get_vocabularies() {
  $object = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
  $object[0]->vid = 0;
  $object[0]->name = t('Any Vocabulary');
  return $object;