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function similarterms_node_validate in Similar By Terms 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 similarterms.module \similarterms_node_validate()

Function to validate entries into the overrides table

1 call to similarterms_node_validate()
similarterms_nodeapi in ./similarterms.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().


./similarterms.module, line 506
Similar By Terms module displays a block with similar content based on taxonomy terms.


function similarterms_node_validate($node) {
  if (!variable_get('similarterms_override_options', 0)) {
  foreach (similarterms_taxonomy_get_vocabularies() as $v) {
    $vid = 'similarterms_vid_' . $v->vid;
    $alias =& $node->{$vid};

    // Make sure that the paths are valid
    foreach ($alias['similarterms_paths'] as $id => $path) {
      $pieces = explode('/', $path);
      if (sizeof($pieces) == 2 && $pieces[0] == "node" && is_numeric($pieces[1])) {

        // If there's a better way to check if a node exists, replace this code
        $thisnode = node_load($pieces[1]);
        if (!$thisnode->nid) {
          form_set_error("{$vid}][similarterms_paths][{$id}", t('%path is not a valid path', array(
            '%path' => $path,
      elseif ($path == '') {
      elseif (!drupal_lookup_path('source', $path)) {
        form_set_error("{$vid}][similarterms_paths][{$id}", t('%vocab %path is not a valid path', array(
          '%path' => $path,
          '%vocab' => $v->name,