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function _similar_save_index in Similar Entries 7.2

Saves an index.


string $field: The machine-name of the field being indexed.

string $table: The table to which the indexed field belongs.

string $column: The indexed table column.

array $info: Information to save about the indexed field.

  • table: The table name.
  • field: The field name.
  • index: The index name.
  • label: The human-readable field label.

Return value

bool A boolean value indicating whether the index was saved.

1 call to _similar_save_index()
similar_index in ./similar.module
Adds FULLTEXT index to a single field in the database.


./similar.module, line 131
Module that shows a block listing similar entries. NOTE: Uses MySQL's FULLTEXT indexing for MyISAM tables.


function _similar_save_index($field, $table, $column, $info) {

  // Return FALSE if the index name is not set in index info.
  if (!isset($info['index'])) {
    return FALSE;
  $info += array(
    'table' => $table,
    'column' => $column,
  $indices = variable_get(SIMILAR_INDICES);
  $indices[$field] = $info;
  variable_set(SIMILAR_INDICES, $indices);
  return TRUE;