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function theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username in Signup 5.2

Returns the value to use for the %username email token for anonymous users.

WARNING: If you implemented your own version of theme_signup_form_data() that changed or removed the custom 'Name' field and your site allows anonymous signups, you will need to modify this, too.


$form_data: Array of custom signup form values for the current signup.

$email: E-mail address of the anonymous user who signed up.

Return value

A string with the proper

See also


1 theme call to theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username()
_signup_get_email_tokens in ./signup.module
Helper function that returns an array of tokens for signup emails.


theme/signup.theme, line 97


function theme_signup_email_token_anonymous_username($form_data, $email) {

  // In some cases, the best you can do is to use the anonymous user's
  // supplied email address, in which case, you should uncomment this:

  //return $email;

  // WARNING: This line is only valid if you left the 'Name' field in
  // your site's version of theme_signup_user_form().
  return $form_data['Name'];