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function theme_signup_node_admin_page in Signup 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 signup.module \theme_signup_node_admin_page()
  2. 6 theme/ \theme_signup_node_admin_page()
  3. 7 theme/ \theme_signup_node_admin_page()

Theme function for the signup administrative tab (node/N/signups).

This is responsible for rendering the signup summary form (allows admins to open/close signups, set a signup limit, and see the total number of signups), the table of signup details (generated by signup_node_admin_page()), and if the node is signup-enabled, the form to signup other users.


$node: The node object for the signup-enabled node this is a tab on.

$signup_node_admin_summary_form: The rendered HTML for the signup node summary form (to set the signup limit, open/close signups, see the total number of signups, etc).

$signup_node_admin_details_form: The rendered HTML for the signup node details form (to view all the users who have signed up, their full signup details, and checkboxes to cancel multiple signups at once.

1 theme call to theme_signup_node_admin_page()
signup_node_admin_page in includes/
Print the signup administration tab for a single node.


theme/, line 28
Theme functions for the signup node administration page (node/N/signups).


function theme_signup_node_admin_page($node, $signup_node_admin_summary_form, $signup_node_admin_details_form) {
  $output = '';

  // Administrative summary table to control signups for this node.
  $output .= $signup_node_admin_summary_form;

  // Details for each user who signed up.
  $output .= $signup_node_admin_details_form;
  return $output;