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function theme_signup_broadcast_sender_copy in Signup 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 signup.module \theme_signup_broadcast_sender_copy()
  2. 6 theme/ \theme_signup_broadcast_sender_copy()
  3. 7 theme/ \theme_signup_broadcast_sender_copy()

Controls the body of the copy of the broadcast message sent to the sender.


$raw_message: The raw message typed in by the sender with no tokens replaced.

$cooked_message: The message after all the tokens have been replaced.

Return value

The final text to put in the email body sent to the broadcast sender.

1 theme call to theme_signup_broadcast_sender_copy()
signup_send_broadcast in includes/
Send an email message to users who have signed up to a node.


theme/, line 96
Theme functions for generating signup email messages.


function theme_signup_broadcast_sender_copy($raw_message, $cooked_message) {
  $output = t('This is a copy of the signup broadcast you just sent.') . "\n";
  $output .= wordwrap(t('Here is the original text you entered, with none of the tokens replaced:'), 72) . "\n";
  $output .= "----------\n";
  $output .= $raw_message;
  $output .= "\n----------\n\n";
  $output .= wordwrap(t('Here is how the message that was sent to each user looked, with all of the tokens replaced (using your account for the user-related tokens):'), 72) . "\n";
  $output .= "----------\n";
  $output .= $cooked_message;
  $output .= "\n----------\n\n";
  return $output;