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function theme_signup_token_help in Signup 5.2



$tokens: An array of token patterns mapping to their description

Return value

The themed representation of the tokens.

1 theme call to theme_signup_token_help()
_signup_build_token_help in ./signup.module
Private function to generate HTML for showing the available tokens


./signup.module, line 2866
The Signup module ( manages replies to nodes. In particular, it's good for event management. Signup supports sending reminder emails and automatically closing signups for nodes with a start time, via the Event…


function theme_signup_token_help($tokens) {
  $tokens_html = "<dl>\n";
  foreach ($tokens as $name => $description) {
    $tokens_html .= '<dt>[' . $name . ']</dt>';
    $tokens_html .= '<dd>' . $description . "</dd>\n";
  $tokens_html .= "</dl>\n";
  return $tokens_html;