function signup_user_signups_form in Signup 5
Prints the signup details for a single node when the signups tab is clicked
1 string reference to 'signup_user_signups_form'
- signup_menu in ./
signup.module - Implementation of hook_menu().
- ./
signup.module, line 1145
function signup_user_signups_form($node) {
// Display if signups are open/closed, and print a button to toggle
$ctrl_row = array();
if ($node->signup_completed) {
$ctrl_row[] = array(
t('Signups <strong>closed</strong> for this event'),
drupal_get_form('signup_open_signups_form', $node->nid),
else {
$ctrl_row[] = array(
t('Signups <strong>open</strong> for this event'),
drupal_get_form('signup_close_signups_form', $node->nid),
$output .= '<div class="signup-admin-row">';
$output .= theme('table', NULL, $ctrl_row);
$output .= '</div><br />';
// Pull all user signed up for this event, and start table creation.
$result = db_query("SELECT u.uid,, s.anon_mail, s.signup_time, s.form_data FROM {signup_log} s INNER JOIN {users} u ON u.uid = s.uid WHERE s.nid =%d", $node->nid);
$header = array(
'data' => t('!users signed up', array(
'!users' => format_plural(db_num_rows($result), '1 individual', '@count individuals'),
'colspan' => 3,
$rows = array();
// Get default timezone offset for the site.
$offset = intval(variable_get('date_default_timezone', 0));
// Loop through the users, unserializing their user data.
while ($signed_up_user = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$table_data = array();
$form_data = unserialize($signed_up_user->form_data);
// Compose the user data.
$signup_form_data = theme('signup_custom_data', $form_data);
// The username and the unique form identifier are different for
// anon signups and registered user signups. For registered users,
// provide a link to the user profile, and use the uid as the
// identifier. For anon, use the user's email address as the
// identifier and name.
if ($signed_up_user->uid == 0) {
$username = check_plain($signed_up_user->anon_mail);
$id = $signed_up_user->anon_mail;
else {
$username = theme('username', $signed_up_user);
$id = $signed_up_user->uid;
// Build the row for this user.
$rows[] = array(
$username . '<br />' . gmdate(variable_get('signup_date_string', 'M jS, g:i A'), $signed_up_user->signup_time + $offset),
drupal_get_form('signup_user_cancel_form_' . $id, $id, $node->nid, $signed_up_user->uid, $signed_up_user->anon_mail),
$output .= theme('table', $header, $rows);
return $output;