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function _signup_check_limit in Signup 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 signup.module \_signup_check_limit()
  2. 6.2 signup.module \_signup_check_limit()
  3. 7 signup.module \_signup_check_limit()

Checks the signup limit for a given node, and sees if a change in either the limit or total # of signups should result in a change in signup status (open vs. closed) and prints a message indicating what happened.


$node: The node to update, can be a full $node object or a numeric nid.

$type: String indicating what changed -- can be either 'limit' or 'total'.

Return value

A flag indicating what change (if any) to the signup status was required due to the change in limit. 0 if there was no change, -1 if signups are now closed, and 1 if signups are now open.

4 calls to _signup_check_limit()
signup_cancel_signup in ./signup.module
Cancel the given signup.
signup_node_admin_summary_form_submit in includes/
signup_node_settings_form_submit in includes/
Submit handler for the per-node signup settings form.
signup_sign_up_user in ./signup.module
Signs up a user to a node.


./signup.module, line 1442
The Signup module ( manages replies to nodes. In particular, it's good for event management. Signup supports sending reminder emails and automatically closing signups for nodes with a start time, via the Event…


function _signup_check_limit($node, $type) {
  $status_change = 0;
  if (is_numeric($node)) {
    $node = node_load($node);
  $node_link = l($node->title, "node/{$node->nid}");
  $limit = $node->signup_close_signup_limit;
  if ($limit) {
    if ($node->signup_effective_total >= $limit) {
      if ($node->signup_status) {
        $status_change = -1;
        drupal_set_message(t('Signup limit reached for !title, signups closed.', array(
          '!title' => $node_link,
      elseif ($type == 'limit') {

        // This is a weird special case, where signups are already
        // closed, but the admin lowers the limit to the signup total
        // or lower. We need to print a message about this, and also
        // return -1 so that callers know signups must remain closed.
        drupal_set_message(t('Signup limit reached.'));
        $status_change = -1;
    elseif ($node->signup_effective_total < $limit && !$node->signup_status && !_signup_node_completed($node)) {
      $status_change = 1;
      if ($type == 'limit') {
        drupal_set_message(t('Signup limit increased for !title, signups re-opened.', array(
          '!title' => $node_link,
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t('Total signups for !title now below limit, signups re-opened.', array(
          '!title' => $node_link,
    elseif ($type == 'limit') {
      drupal_set_message(t('Signup limit updated for !title.', array(
        '!title' => $node_link,
  elseif ($type == 'limit') {

    // These checks should only happen if the limit was just changed...
    if (!$node->signup_status && !_signup_node_completed($node)) {
      $status_change = 1;
      drupal_set_message(t('Signup limit removed for !title, signups now open.', array(
        '!title' => $node_link,
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('Signup limit removed for !title.', array(
        '!title' => $node_link,
  return $status_change;