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function hook_signup_suppress in Signup 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 signup.api.php \hook_signup_suppress()
  2. 6 signup.api.php \hook_signup_suppress()

Hook invoked to see if signup information should be printed for a node.

This hook is invoked whenever someone is viewing a signup-enabled node and allows modules to suppress any signup-related output. If any module's implementation of this hook returns TRUE, no signup information will be printed for that node.


stdClass $node: The fully-loaded node object being viewed.

Return value

bool|null TRUE if you want to prevent signup information from being printed, FALSE or NULL if the information should be printed.

See also




1 invocation of hook_signup_suppress()
_signup_needs_output in ./signup.module
Helper function that determines if a given node should have any signup-related output.


./signup.api.php, line 154
This file documents the hooks invoked by the Signup module.


function hook_signup_suppress($node) {
  if ($node->nid % 2) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Signup information suppressed for odd node ID %nid.', array(
      '%nid' => $node->nid,
    return TRUE;