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signup_profile.module in Signup 6.2

signup_profile.module Provides integration with profile module.

Comments a-plenty as this is also an example of how to use the API. This shows an example of how a signup pane can elect to do its own storage of its signup data rather than letting signup handle storage.

@todo: The big question about this module is what to do with anonymous signups. One possibility would be to add a module-wide admin setting to either: a) create a user account based on the entered anon email and so store the profile data there b) just don't show this pane and don't collect data c) give the user the choice of creating an account as they signup d) (crazyland) Store the data for anon users ourselves.


View source

 * @file signup_profile.module
 * Provides integration with profile module.
 * Comments a-plenty as this is also an example of how to use the API.
 * This shows an example of how a signup pane can elect to do its own storage
 * of its signup data rather than letting signup handle storage.
 * @todo: The big question about this module is what to do with anonymous signups.
 * One possibility would be to add a module-wide admin setting to either:
 * a) create a user account based on the entered anon email and so store the 
 *    profile data there
 * b) just don't show this pane and don't collect data
 * c) give the user the choice of creating an account as they signup
 * d) (crazyland) Store the data for anon users ourselves.

 * Implementation of hook_signup_pane_info().
 * @param $node
 *  (optional) The node being considered for panes.
 *  Most modules won't need to look at this, but you may need to only return
 *  panes if the node satisfies certain properties.
 * This should return an associative array of data about signup form panes.
function signup_profile_signup_pane_info($node = NULL) {

  // Get the categories. This may return NULL if none are defined yet.
  $categories = _signup_profile_available_categories();
  if (!is_null($categories)) {
    foreach ($categories as $category) {

      // Make a pane for each category.
      $panes['profile_' . $category['name']] = array(
        'label' => 'Profile: ' . $category['name'],
        'description' => t('Collects @category profile fields and saves to the user profile.', array(
          '@category' => $category['name'],
        'callback' => 'signup_profile_form',
  return $panes;

 * Helper function to get profile categories that users have access to.
 * This result is cached as we may need it several times.
function _signup_profile_available_categories() {
  static $available_categories;
  if (isset($available_categories)) {
    return $available_categories;

  // Get all the categories.
  $categories = profile_categories();

  // Get the number of fields in each category according to access. This will
  // let us determine if a category actually applies.
  $result = db_query("SELECT category, COUNT(*) AS count FROM {profile_fields} WHERE visibility <> 4 GROUP BY category", PROFILE_HIDDEN);
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $categories_count[$row['category']] = $row['count'];
  foreach ($categories as $category) {
    if (isset($categories_count[$category['name']])) {
      $available_categories[] = $category;
  return $available_categories;

 * Signup form pane callback.
 * @param &$signup_form
 *   The form array for the whole signup. You should not alter this, but it
 *   contains useful data depending on circumstances.
 * @param &$form_state
 *   Likewise.
 * @param $node
 *   The fully loaded node object.
 * @param $signup
 *   If this is an existing signup, the fully loaded signup object. If this is a 
 *   new signup, this is just NULL.
 * @param $pane_id
 *   The pane ID being invoked. This allows a module to implement multiple panes
 *   with one callback.
 * @param $signup_type
 *   Determines what kind of signup to generate a form for. Possible values:
 *    'auth' -- regular authenticated user signup form
 *    'anon' -- anonymous user signup form (includes required email field).
 *    'admin' -- admin form to signup another user (includes user selector).
 * @return
 *   A form API array for insertion into the signup form. 
function signup_profile_form(&$signup_form, &$form_state, $node, $signup, $pane_id, $signup_type = 'auth') {
  $form = array();

  // Get the real category name from the prefixed pane ID.
  $category = substr($pane_id, 8);

  // Call profile.module's implementation of hook_user's form op.
  // This is a smidgen hacky, but safe, as:
  // - $edit is just checked for default values, passing nothing won't hurt.
  //   @todo: make this bit work for bonus points!
  // - $user is not looked at at all.
  $form = profile_form_profile(array(), NULL, $category, FALSE);

  // Our data is not in the signup data, so we prepopulate this form
  // with our own default values where applicable.
  if (isset($signup) && $signup_type != 'anon') {

    // Existing signup: get the account.
    $account = user_load($signup->uid);
  elseif ($signup_type == 'auth') {

    // An authenticated user is signup themselves up.
    // Prefill their profile values so they can either leave them or know what
    // they are changing.
    global $user;

    // Need to do a user_load to get profile fields.
    $account = user_load($user->uid);
  if (isset($account)) {

    // Set the form's defaults to the profile values.
    foreach (element_children($form[$category]) as $key) {
      $form[$category][$key]['#default_value'] = $account->{$key};
    $form[$category]['#description'] = t('This information is from your @site-name user profile; changes you make here will be saved into it.', array(
      '@site-name' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
  return $form;

 * Implementation of hook_signup_data_alter().
 * This allows us to alter the signup data prior to it being saved, do our own
 * saving of profile data, and remove the profile data from the signup so it is
 * not saved in the {signup_log} table's serialized array.
function signup_profile_signup_data_alter(&$signup, $form_values) {

  // Check we have incoming data that concerns us.
  foreach ($signup->form_data as $pane_id => $form_data_pane) {
    if (substr($pane_id, 0, 7) == 'profile') {
      $profile_pane_ids[] = $pane_id;
  if (isset($profile_pane_ids)) {

    // Get the user account.
    $account = user_load($signup->uid);
    foreach ($profile_pane_ids as $pane_id) {

      // Get the real category name from the prefixed pane ID.
      $category_name = substr($pane_id, 8);
      $profile_data = $signup->form_data['profile_' . $category_name][$category_name];

      // Again, a bit hackish, but probably safe to call:
      // function profile_save_profile(&$edit, &$user, $category, $register = FALSE)
      // $edit is an array of form element ID => value which we have too.
      // $user we pass the account for the signup.
      profile_save_profile($profile_data, $account, $category_name, FALSE);

      // Unset our data from the signup so it's not saved redundantly.

 * Implementation of hook_signup_form_data_display_alter().
 * Load the signup user's profile data and add it to the data being output.
 * @todo: consider skipping this in the case $type == 'view', as really
 * the profile fields should be added to the view itself.
 * @param $form_data
 *  The user's signup data to alter.
 * @param $nid
 *  The node id for the signup-enabled node.
 * @param $sid
 *  The signup record id.
 * @param $uid
 *  The user id whose signup this is; 0 if this is an anonymous signup.
 * @param $type
 *  The type of output being prepared. Possible values are:
 *    - 'list': The hardcoded admin lists of signups, eg at node/X/signups/admin
 *    - 'view': The form data field in Views.
 *    - 'mail': Email output. This is probably the only one that needs special 
 *      handling; in this case, modules should be more generous about supplying
 *      data since there's no other place to see it.
function signup_profile_signup_form_data_display_alter(&$form_data, $nid, $sid, $uid, $type = 'list') {

  // Check this is a signup that concerns us. We don't store anything of
  // our own in $form_data so we have to investigate the node.
  static $nodes = array();
  if (!isset($nodes[$nid])) {
    $nodes[$nid] = node_load($nid);
  foreach ($nodes[$nid]->signup_form_panes as $pane_id => $form_data_pane) {
    if (substr($pane_id, 0, 7) == 'profile') {

      // We actually only need to know there is at least one signup pane that interests us.
      $has_profile_signup_panes = TRUE;

  // If there are signup panes and this is not an anonymous user, load the
  // profile data and display it.
  if ($has_profile_signup_panes && $uid != 0) {

    // Get all the profile fields and cache them.
    static $profile_fields;
    if (!isset($profile_fields)) {
      $result = db_query('SELECT fid, name, title, type, category, visibility, weight FROM {profile_fields} WHERE visibility IN (%d, %d) ORDER BY weight', PROFILE_PUBLIC, PROFILE_PUBLIC_LISTINGS);
      while ($field = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        $profile_fields[$field->fid] = $field;

    // It's probably quicker to get all the values for this one user rather
    // than join to {profile_fields} for each one to see if it's in a category
    // we care about.
    $result = db_query("SELECT fid, value FROM {profile_values} WHERE uid = %d", $uid);
    while ($record = db_fetch_array($result)) {

      $signup_profile_data[$record['fid']] = $record['value'];
    foreach ($profile_fields as $fid => $field) {
      if (isset($signup_profile_data[$fid])) {
        $form_data[$field->category][$field->title] = $signup_profile_data[$fid];


Namesort descending Description
signup_profile_form Signup form pane callback.
signup_profile_signup_data_alter Implementation of hook_signup_data_alter().
signup_profile_signup_form_data_display_alter Implementation of hook_signup_form_data_display_alter().
signup_profile_signup_pane_info Implementation of hook_signup_pane_info().
_signup_profile_available_categories Helper function to get profile categories that users have access to.