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function signup_pane_example_signup_insert in Signup 6.2

Implementation of hook_signup_insert().

Carries on from signup_pane_example_signup_data_alter(). The signup is now saved to the database and is assigned an sid.


modules/signup_pane_example/signup_pane_example.module, line 139
signup_pane_example.module A very simple example signup pane module.


function signup_pane_example_signup_insert($signup) {

  // Retrieve the id for our own data from where we put it in the form data
  // in hook_signup_data_alter().
  $our_id = $signup->form_data[$pane_id]['signup_pane_example_id'];

  // We should now revisit our own data to save the connection between signup sid
  // and our own record for this signup.
  // Save a connection between $signup->sid and $our_id.