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function _signup_token_help in Signup 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 signup.module \_signup_token_help()
  2. 6.2 includes/ \_signup_token_help()
  3. 7 includes/ \_signup_token_help()

Private function to generate HTML for showing the available tokens.


$form: Reference to the form array to include the help fieldset in.

$element_name: Name of the form element to use for the help fieldset.

2 calls to _signup_token_help()
signup_broadcast_form in includes/
Form builder for the signup broadcast form.
signup_node_settings_form in includes/
Returns the form for the per-node signup settings.


includes/, line 17
Code for building help text for token.module support on various forms.


function _signup_token_help(&$form, $element_name) {
  $form[$element_name] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Replacement tokens'),
    '#description' => t("Since these tokens will be used in plain text e-mail, it is better to use the '-raw' versions of any tokens that provide them."),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
  $form[$element_name]['help_text'] = array(
    '#value' => _signup_build_token_help(),