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function signup_format_date in Signup 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 includes/ \signup_format_date()
  2. 6.2 includes/ \signup_format_date()
  3. 6 includes/ \signup_format_date()

@todo Please document this function.

See also

3 calls to signup_format_date()
signup_admin_form in includes/
Form builder for the main form on the signup administration page.
signup_send_forwarding_mail in ./signup.module
Send the signup forwarding mail when a user signs up for something.
_signup_get_email_tokens in ./signup.module
Helper function that returns an array of tokens for signup emails.


includes/, line 102
Code necessary to determine which scheduler backend(s) to use.


function signup_format_date($node) {
  switch (_signup_get_node_scheduler($node)) {
    case 'event':
      return _signup_event_format_date($node);
    case 'date':
      return _signup_date_format_date($node);
      return t('[Untimed]');