You are here in Signup 6.2

Provides all the code for required UI elements for sites that do not have views.module enabled. If views is enabled, there are default views for all of these things (which are therefore customizable and more powerful) in signup/views/


View source

 * @file
 * Provides all the code for required UI elements for sites that do
 * not have views.module enabled. If views is enabled, there are
 * default views for all of these things (which are therefore
 * customizable and more powerful) in signup/views/

 * Implementation of hook_block().
 * @ingroup signup_core
 * @param $op
 *   The operation that is being requested. This defaults to 'list', which
 *   indicates that the method should return which blocks are available.
 * @param $delta
 *   The specific block to display (the offset into an array).
 * @return
 *   One of two possibilities. The first is an array of available blocks.
 *   The other is an array containing a block.
function signup_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0) {
  global $user;
  switch ($op) {
    case 'list':
      $blocks[0]['info'] = t('Current signups');
      return $blocks;
    case 'view':
      if (user_access('access content')) {
        switch ($delta) {
          case 0:
            $titles = signup_list_user_signups($user->uid);
            if (count($titles)) {
              $block['subject'] = t('Current signups');
              $block['content'] = theme_item_list($titles) . l(t('View signup schedule'), "user/{$user->uid}/signups");
            return $block;

 * Private helper as a partial implementation of hook_user().
 * @see signup_user()
function _signup_user_no_views($op, &$edit, &$user, $category = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'view':

      // grab list of nodes the user signed up for.
      $signups = signup_list_user_signups($user->uid);
      if (count($signups) && variable_get('signup_no_views_user_info', TRUE)) {
        $user->content['signup'] = array(
          '#type' => 'user_profile_category',
          '#attributes' => array(
            'class' => 'signup',
          '#weight' => 5,
          '#title' => t('Signup information'),
        $user->content['signup']['current'] = array(
          '#type' => 'user_profile_item',
          '#attributes' => array(
            'class' => 'signup-current',
          '#title' => t('Current signups'),
          '#value' => theme_item_list($signups),
          '#weight' => 0,
        $user->content['signup']['schedule'] = array(
          '#type' => 'user_profile_item',
          '#attributes' => array(
            'class' => 'signup-schedule',
          '#title' => t('Signup schedule'),
          '#value' => l(t('View full signup schedule'), 'user/' . $user->uid . '/signups'),
          '#weight' => 2,

 * Add menu items we only need to define if views is not enabled.
function signup_no_views_menu(&$items) {

  // User signup schedule callback
  $items['user/%user/signups'] = array(
    'title' => 'Signups',
    'page callback' => 'signup_user_schedule',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'access callback' => '_signup_no_views_user_menu_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => 'includes/',
function _signup_no_views_user_menu_access($account) {
  return variable_get('signup_no_views_user_info', TRUE) && _signup_user_menu_access($account);

 * Print a schedule of the given user's signups.
 * @ingroup signup_callback
function signup_user_schedule($account) {
  $output = '';
  drupal_set_title(t('Signups for @user', array(
    '@user' => $account->name,
  $titles = signup_list_user_signups($account->uid);
  foreach ($titles as $nid => $title) {
    $node = node_load($nid);
    $output .= theme('signup_user_schedule', $node);
  return $output;

 * Return an array of all nodes the specified user has signed up for.
 * @param $uid
 *   The ID of the user to generate a list of signups for.
 * @return
 *   Array of all nodes the given user has signed up for. The array is indexed
 *   by node ID, and contains titles as links to each node.
function signup_list_user_signups($uid) {
  $titles = array();

  // We don't want to return anything for anon users.
  if ($uid != 0) {
    $sql = "SELECT n.nid, n.title FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {signup_log} s_l ON n.nid = s_l.nid WHERE s_l.uid = %d ORDER BY n.nid";
    $result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql($sql), $uid);
    while ($node = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      $titles[$node['nid']] = l($node['title'], 'node/' . $node['nid']);
  return $titles;


Namesort descending Description
signup_block Implementation of hook_block().
signup_list_user_signups Return an array of all nodes the specified user has signed up for.
signup_no_views_menu Add menu items we only need to define if views is not enabled.
signup_user_schedule Print a schedule of the given user's signups.
_signup_user_no_views Private helper as a partial implementation of hook_user().