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function _signup_date_admin_query in Signup 7

Alters the SQL query for the admin overview page.


object $query: The database query object.

string $content_type: A string containing the content type of the node.

1 call to _signup_date_admin_query()
signup_admin_query in includes/
Helper function to build the database query for the admin overview page.


includes/, line 424
Code to support using CCK date fields for time-based signup functionality.


function _signup_date_admin_query(&$query, $content_type) {

  // Get the date field information for this content type.
  $field = signup_date_field($content_type);

  // In the case where the same date field is being reused on multiple
  // content types, we'll potentially be JOINing on the same tables and
  // columns for different content types. To defend against duplicate table
  // names or ambiguous columns in the query, use the content type to alias.
  // Also, prefix it to make sure it's never a reserved word.
  $alias = 'signup_alias_' . db_escape_table($content_type);
  $table = $field['database']['table'];
  $date = $field['field_name'] . '_value';
    ->leftJoin($table, $alias, $alias . '.revision_id = n.vid');
    ->addField($alias, $date, $date);
  if (isset($field['columns']['timezone'])) {
    $timezone = $field['field_name'] . '_timezone';
      ->addField($alias, $timezone, $timezone);