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Functions in Signup 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
signup_token_list ./signup.module Implement hook_token_list() (from token.module)
signup_token_values ./signup.module Implement hook_token_values() (from token.module)
signup_uninstall ./signup.install
signup_update_3 ./signup.install
signup_update_4 ./signup.install Rename the signup permissions. See for details. Also, remove the 'signup_user_view' setting in favor of a permission. See for details.
signup_update_5200 ./signup.install Convert the misnamed "completed" column to "status" (and swap all the values: 0 == closed, 1 == open).
signup_update_5201 ./signup.install Add the close_signup_limit field to the {signup} table to allow signup limits for sites that upgraded from 4.6.x. The original signup.install for 4.7.x accidentally included this column in the DB, but it's never been used in the code until now. …
signup_update_5202 ./signup.install Add "cancel own signups" permission to all roles that have "sign up for content" permission.
signup_update_5203 ./signup.install Migrate signup settings per content type so that signups can be disabled completely for a content type.
signup_update_5204 ./signup.install Rename all the tokens in existing email templates and the global settings.
signup_update_6000 ./signup.install Migrate signup user list view display type to the new variable.
signup_update_6001 ./signup.install Add unique id column to signup_log as the primary key.
signup_update_6002 ./signup.install Add an 'attended' field to the {signup_log} table.
signup_update_6003 ./signup.install Add the 'count_towards_limit' field to the {signup_log} table.
signup_update_6004 ./signup.install Make views a required dependency.
signup_update_6005 ./signup.install
signup_user ./signup.module Implementation of hook_user().
signup_user_list_output includes/ Helper function to generate the list of users signed up for a node. 1 1
signup_validate_anon_email includes/ Validate the email address for an anonymous signup. 1
signup_validate_anon_mail includes/ Validation callback when editing the anonymous email for an existing signup. 1
signup_valid_token ./signup.module Ensure that the given token is valid for the given sid. 1
signup_views_api ./signup.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
signup_views_bulk_operations_object_info ./signup.module Implementation of hook_views_bulk_operations_object_info(). 1
signup_views_data views/ Implementation of hook_views_data().
signup_views_default_views views/ Implementation of hook_views_default_views().
signup_views_handlers views/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
signup_views_plugins views/ Implementation of hook_views_plugins().
signup_view_user_list_access ./signup.module Menu access callback for the signup_plugin_access_user_signup_list plugin. 1
theme_signup_admin_form theme/
theme_signup_admin_page theme/ Controls the output of the signup administration overview page.
theme_signup_anonymous_username theme/ Returns the value to use for the user name for anonymous signups.
theme_signup_anonymous_user_login_text theme/ Controls the output for anonymous users who can't signup.
theme_signup_attended_text theme/
theme_signup_broadcast_sender_copy theme/ Controls the body of the copy of the broadcast message sent to the sender.
theme_signup_custom_data theme/ Renders custom signup user data into a human-readable format.
theme_signup_custom_data_email theme/ Renders custom signup data into unfiltered output for use in email.
theme_signup_custom_data_field_text theme/ Renders a single custom signup form field into unfiltered output.
theme_signup_email_token_custom_data theme/ Return the value for the %user_signup_info email token for custom signup data.
theme_signup_filter_status_form theme/
theme_signup_node_admin_details_form theme/
theme_signup_node_admin_page theme/ Theme function for the signup administrative tab (node/N/signups).
theme_signup_node_admin_summary_form theme/ Renders the HTML for the per-node signup summary administrative form.
theme_signup_node_output_header theme/ Return HTML desired at the top of the signup output for a node.
theme_signup_node_title theme/
theme_signup_settings_view_label includes/ Generates the appropriate selector label for a given view.
theme_signup_signups_closed theme/ Controls the output displayed if this node is closed for signups.
theme_signup_user_form theme/ Return the site-specific custom fields for the signup user form.
_signup_build_query ./signup.module Private query builder helper function. 3
_signup_build_token_help includes/ Private function to generate HTML for showing the available tokens 1
_signup_check_limit ./signup.module Checks the signup limit for a given node, and sees if a change in either the limit or total # of signups should result in a change in signup status (open vs. closed) and prints a message indicating what happened. 4


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