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Files in Simple hierarchical select 7

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README.txt README.txt -- SUMMARY -- The Simple hierarchical select module displays selected taxonomy fields as hierarchical selects on node creation/edit forms and as exposed filter in views. -- REQUIREMENTS -- Taxonomy module (Drupal core) needs to be enabled. --…
shs.api.php shs.api.php Hooks for the shs module.
shs.form.css theme/shs.form.css Styles for shs module on forms.
shs.formatter.css theme/shs.formatter.css Styles for formatted output of shs module. name = Simple hierarchical select core = 7.x description = Creates a simple hierarchical select widget for taxonomy fields. dependencies[] = taxonomy files[] = includes/handlers/ files[] =…
shs.install shs.install Installation tasks for "Simple hierarchical select".
shs.module shs.module Provides an additional widget for term fields to create hierarchical selects. includes/handlers/ Definition of shs_handler_filter_numeric. includes/handlers/ Definition of shs_handler_filter_term_node_tid. includes/handlers/ Definition of views_handler_filter_term_node_tid_depth. modules/shs_node_count/ name = Simple hierarchical select: node count core = 7.x description = Extends 'Simple hierarchical select' with "node count" functionality. dependencies[] = shs
shs_node_count.install modules/shs_node_count/shs_node_count.install Installation tasks for "SHS node count".
shs_node_count.module modules/shs_node_count/shs_node_count.module Node count functionality for Simple hierarchical select.

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