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Functions in ShrinkTheWeb 8

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
requestThumbnailsRefresh src/ Request refresh batch process callback. 1
requestThumbnailsRefreshFinished src/ Request refresh batch finish callback. 1
shrinktheweb_cacheFileExpired ./ Determine if specified file has expired from the cache. 1
shrinktheweb_checkLimitReached ./ Check if the limit reached image is existing, if so return true return false if there is no image existing or the limit reached file is older then 6 hours. 1
shrinktheweb_checkWebsiteThumbnailCaptured ./ Method that checks if the thumbnail for the specified website exists. 1
shrinktheweb_createCacheDirectory ./ Create cache directory if it doesn't exist. 3
shrinktheweb_deleteAllImages ./ Delete cached images. 2
shrinktheweb_deleteErrorImages ./ Delete error images. 1
shrinktheweb_deleteThumbnail ./ Delete thumbnail. 1
shrinktheweb_downloadRemoteImageToLocalPath ./ Method to get image at the specified remote Url and attempt to save it to the specified local path. 3
shrinktheweb_entity_bundle_delete ./shrinktheweb.module Implements hook_entity_bundle_delete().
shrinktheweb_entity_view_alter ./shrinktheweb.module Implements hook_entity_view_alter().
shrinktheweb_field_purge_field ./shrinktheweb.module Implements hook_field_purge_field().
shrinktheweb_fileGetContent ./ Gets file content by URL. 5
shrinktheweb_file_download ./shrinktheweb.module Implementation of hook_file_download().
shrinktheweb_form_entity_view_display_edit_form_alter ./shrinktheweb.module Implements hook_form_alter().
shrinktheweb_form_system_modules_alter ./shrinktheweb.module Implements hook_form_alter().
shrinktheweb_generateHash ./ Generate the hash for the thumbnail, this is used as filename also. 4
shrinktheweb_generateOptions ./ Generate options. !!! SLIGHTLY CHANGED FOR DRUPAL !!! 4
shrinktheweb_generateRequestArgs ./ Generate the request arguments. 2
shrinktheweb_getAccountInfo ./ Get Account Info and return it as array. 2
shrinktheweb_getAccXMLResponse ./ Store the Account XML response in an array. 1
shrinktheweb_getArrayValue ./ Safe method to get the value from an array using the specified key.
shrinktheweb_getCachedThumbnail ./ Get a thumbnail, caching it first if possible. 1
shrinktheweb_getLegacyResponse ./ Get status code in case of legacy response 2
shrinktheweb_getNoResponseImage ./ Gets the account problem image and returns the relative path to the cached image. 1
shrinktheweb_getThumbnail ./ Gets the thumbnail for the specified website, stores it in the cache, and then returns the relative path to the cached image. 2
shrinktheweb_getThumbnailAdvanced ./ Getting the thumbnail with advanced api. !!! SLIGHTLY CHANGED FOR DRUPAL !!! 1
shrinktheweb_getThumbnailStatus ./ Get thumbnail status 1
shrinktheweb_getThumbnailURL ./ Gets the thumbnail for the specified website, stores it in the cache, and then returns the HTML for loading the image. !!! SLIGHTLY CHANGED FOR DRUPAL !!! 1
shrinktheweb_getXMLResponse ./ Store the XML response in an array and generate status bits. 2
shrinktheweb_get_thumbnail ./shrinktheweb.module Generates or returns the path/source of the thumbnail 7
shrinktheweb_help ./shrinktheweb.module Implementation of hook_help()
shrinktheweb_install ./shrinktheweb.install Implements hook_install
shrinktheweb_refreshThumbnail ./ Refresh a thumbnail for a url with specified options. First delete it and then do a new request and return the HTML for image loading. !!! SLIGHTLY CHANGED FOR DRUPAL !!! 1
shrinktheweb_schema ./shrinktheweb.install Implementation of hook_schema().
shrinktheweb_theme ./shrinktheweb.module Implementation of hook_theme()
shrinktheweb_uninstall ./shrinktheweb.install
template_preprocess_shrinktheweb_formatter_shrinktheweb_link_default ./shrinktheweb.module Displays the thumbnail as '[ShrinkTheWeb] Title as link'.
template_preprocess_shrinktheweb_formatter_shrinktheweb_link_plain ./shrinktheweb.module Displays the thumbnail as '[ShrinkTheWeb] URL as plain text'.
template_preprocess_shrinktheweb_formatter_shrinktheweb_link_separate ./shrinktheweb.module Displays the thumbnail as '[ShrinkTheWeb] Separate title and URL'.
template_preprocess_shrinktheweb_formatter_shrinktheweb_link_short ./shrinktheweb.module Displays the thumbnail as '[ShrinkTheWeb] Short as link with title "Link"'.
template_preprocess_shrinktheweb_formatter_shrinktheweb_link_url ./shrinktheweb.module Displays the thumbnail as '[ShrinkTheWeb] URL, as link'.
template_preprocess_shrinktheweb_image ./shrinktheweb.module Displays the thumbnail, also used for '[ShrinkTheWeb] No link text'
template_preprocess_shrinktheweb_image_link ./shrinktheweb.module Displays the thumbnail as a link.
template_preprocess_shrinktheweb_modules_fieldset ./shrinktheweb.module Prepares variables for the module details templates.
_shrinktheweb_custom_settings ./shrinktheweb.module Generate custom request options for field formatters. 7
_shrinktheweb_link_check ./shrinktheweb.module Custom callback for array_filter. 1
_shrinktheweb_submit_handler ./shrinktheweb.module 1

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