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function shoutbox_user_save in Shoutbox 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 shoutbox_user/shoutbox_user.module \shoutbox_user_save()
  2. 7 shoutbox_user/shoutbox_user.module \shoutbox_user_save()

Save a shout for a given user


$shout: A shout object

$user: The user, or uid, whom the shout is directed towards

1 call to shoutbox_user_save()
shoutbox_user_shoutbox in shoutbox_user/shoutbox_user.module
Implements hook_shoutbox().


shoutbox_user/shoutbox_user.module, line 149


function shoutbox_user_save($shout, $user) {
  $record = new stdClass();
  $record->shout_id = $shout->shout_id;
  $record->uid = is_object($user) ? $user->uid : $user;
  drupal_write_record('shoutbox_user', $record);