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Functions in Shorten URLs 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
record_shorten_clear_all ./record_shorten.module Clear all records form. 1
record_shorten_clear_all_submit ./record_shorten.module Submit callback for clear all records form.
record_shorten_install ./record_shorten.install Implementation of hook_install().
record_shorten_menu ./record_shorten.module Implementation of hook_menu().
record_shorten_records_table ./record_shorten.module Builds a list of shortened URLs. 1
record_shorten_schema ./record_shorten.install Implementation of hook_schema().
record_shorten_shorten_create ./record_shorten.module Implementation of hook_shorten_create().
record_shorten_theme ./record_shorten.module Implementation of hook_theme().
record_shorten_uninstall ./record_shorten.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
record_shorten_update_6101 ./record_shorten.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
record_shorten_views_api ./record_shorten.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
record_shorten_views_data ./ Implementation of hook_views_data().
record_shorten_views_default_views ./ Implementation of hook_views_default_views().
record_shorten_views_handlers ./ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
shortener_filter shortener/shortener.module Implementation of hook_filter().
shortener_init shortener/shortener.module Implementation of hook_init().
shortener_uninstall shortener/shortener.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
shorten_admin ./ Settings page. 1
shorten_admin_submit ./ Submit handler for shorten_admin().
shorten_admin_validate ./ Validation handler for shorten_admin().
shorten_block ./shorten.module Implementation of hook_block().
shorten_cs_add_form ./ Builds the form to add a new custom service. 1 1
shorten_cs_add_form_submit ./ Submits the form to add a new custom service.
shorten_cs_add_form_validate ./ Validates the form to add a new custom service.
shorten_cs_delete ./ Builds the form to delete a custom service. 1
shorten_cs_delete_submit ./ Submits the form to delete a custom service. 1
shorten_cs_edit ./ Builds the form to edit a custom service. 1
shorten_cs_edit_submit ./ Submits the form to edit a service.
shorten_cs_edit_validate ./ Validates the form to edit a custom service.
shorten_cs_install ./shorten_cs.install Implementation of hook_install().
shorten_cs_load ./shorten_cs.module Implementation of hook_load().
shorten_cs_menu ./shorten_cs.module Implementation of hook_menu().
shorten_cs_perm ./shorten_cs.module Implementation of hook_perm().
shorten_cs_schema ./shorten_cs.install Implementation of hook_schema().
shorten_cs_services_table ./ Displays the table of existing custom services. 1
shorten_cs_shorten_service ./shorten_cs.module Implementation of hook_shorten_service().
shorten_cs_theme ./shorten_cs.module Implementation of hook_theme().
shorten_cs_uninstall ./shorten_cs.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
shorten_current ./shorten.module Builds a textfield to show the short URL for the current page. 1
shorten_fetch ./shorten.module Downloads the response of the URL abbreviation service. 1
shorten_flush_caches ./shorten.module Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
shorten_form_display ./shorten.module Displays the Shorten form. 1 1
shorten_form_shorten ./shorten.module Builds a form which allows shortening of a URL via the UI. 1
shorten_form_shorten_submit ./shorten.module Submit function for the Shorten form.
shorten_form_shorten_validate ./shorten.module Validate function for the Shorten form. It's hard to really figure out what a valid URL is. We might reasonably expect,,, or even just to be correctly shortened by respective…
shorten_help ./shorten.module Implementation of hook_help().
shorten_install ./shorten.install Implementation of hook_install().
shorten_keys ./ Keys page. 1
shorten_menu ./shorten.module Implementation of hook_menu().
shorten_perm ./shorten.module Implementation of hook_perm().


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