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function shortcode_basic_tags_shortcode_random in Shortcode 7.2

Generates a random code.

Calling [random length=X /]

Where X is the length of the random text. If the length empty or invalid, between 1-99, the length will be 8.

1 string reference to 'shortcode_basic_tags_shortcode_random'
shortcode_basic_tags_shortcode_info in shortcode_basic_tags/shortcode_basic_tags.module
Implements hook_shortcode_info().


shortcode_basic_tags/shortcode_basic_tags.module, line 960
Provides basic ShortCodes (as examples).


function shortcode_basic_tags_shortcode_random($attrs, $text) {
  $attrs = shortcode_attrs(array(
    'length' => 8,
  ), $attrs);
  $length = intval($attrs['length']);
  if ($length < 0 || $length > 99) {
    $length = 8;
  $text = '';
  for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
    $text .= chr(rand(32, 126));
  return $text;