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function shortcode_shortcode_random_tip in Shortcode 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 shortcode.module \shortcode_shortcode_random_tip()

Provides a random tag tip




1 call to shortcode_shortcode_random_tip()
shortcode_shortcodes in ./shortcode.module
shortcodes hook implementation


./shortcode.module, line 622


function shortcode_shortcode_random_tip($format, $long) {
  $output = '';
  if (shortcode_shortcode_is_enabled('random', $format)) {
    $output = '<p><strong>[random (length=X) /]</strong>';
    if ($long) {
      $output .= ' insert a random text with length between 0-99 or if length omitted, 8.</p>';
    else {
      $output .= ' inserts a random text with max length 99. Default length is 8.</p>';
  return $output;