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function shib_auth_load_from_authmap in Shibboleth Authentication 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.4 shib_auth.module \shib_auth_load_from_authmap()

Loads an authmap user object from shib_authmap.

Return value

array|null The authmap item in array if found, NULL otherwise.

1 call to shib_auth_load_from_authmap()
shib_auth_init in ./shib_auth.module
Creates a new user, if necessary, based on information from the handler.


./shib_auth.module, line 482
Drupal Shibboleth authentication module.


function shib_auth_load_from_authmap($uname) {
  return db_select('shib_authmap', 'c')
    ->condition('targeted_id', $uname, '=')