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function shib_auth_init in Shibboleth Authentication 5.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 shib_auth.module \shib_auth_init()
  2. 6.4 shib_auth.module \shib_auth_init()
  3. 6 shib_auth.module \shib_auth_init()
  4. 6.2 shib_auth.module \shib_auth_init()
  5. 6.3 shib_auth.module \shib_auth_init()
  6. 7.4 shib_auth.module \shib_auth_init()

Create a new user based on informations from the Shibboleth handler if it's necessary or log in.


./shib_auth.module, line 28
Provides user authentication with Shibboleth (both v1.3 and v2.0) as well as some authorisation features (automatic role assignment base on Shibboleth attributes).


function shib_auth_init() {
  global $user;
  if (variable_get('shib_auth_debug_state', FALSE)) {
    $debug_message = print_r($_SERVER, TRUE);
    drupal_set_message('<pre>' . $debug_message . '</pre>');
  $uname = $_SERVER[variable_get('shib_auth_username_variable', 'REMOTE_USER')];
  $umail = $_SERVER[variable_get('shib_auth_username_email', 'HTTP_SHIB_MAIL')];
  $umail_single = preg_replace('/;.*/', '', $umail);

  // Ensure that the user is the same as the one who has initiated the session
  if (isset($_SESSION['uname'])) {
    if ($_SESSION['uname'] != $uname) {
      $user = drupal_anonymous_user();
  else {
    $_SESSION['uname'] = $uname;

  // If
  // - The user isn't logged in
  // - There is Shibboleth authentication in the background
  // - The settings are fine and there has been a valid username setted up
  // - The settings are fine and there has been a valid user email address setted up
  if (!$user->uid && ($_SERVER['HTTP_SHIB_IDENTITY_PROVIDER'] || $_SERVER['Shib-Identity-Provider'])) {
    if ($uname && $umail_single) {
      user_external_login_register($uname, "shib_auth");
      $account = user_save($user, array(
        'mail' => $umail_single,

      // Terminate if an error occured during user_save().
      if (!$account) {
        drupal_set_message(t("Error saving user account."), 'error');
      $user = $account;
    else {
      $message = 'Username or e-mail address is missing. Maybe the Shibboleth configuration is not perfect.';
      drupal_set_message(t($message), 'error');
      watchdog('shib_auth', $message, WATCHDOG_CRITICAL);