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function shib_auth_custom_username in Shibboleth Authentication 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.4 shib_auth.module \shib_auth_custom_username()

User Data Customization function - USERNAME.

This function handles the username customization process.


string $uname: The username got from IdP.

string $custom_username: The customized username.

string $umail_single: The first email address of the user from the IdP.

2 calls to shib_auth_custom_username()
shib_auth_custom_form in ./shib_auth.module
Displays custom form if either customization or consent options are enabled.
shib_auth_custom_mail in ./shib_auth.module
User Data Customization function - MAIL.


./shib_auth.module, line 529
Drupal Shibboleth authentication module.


function shib_auth_custom_username($uname, $custom_username = '', $umail_single = '') {

  // Validate it.
  if ($error = user_validate_name($custom_username)) {
  else {

    // Check if username already exists.
    $un_already_used = db_select('users', 'c')
      ->condition('name', $custom_username, '=')
    if ($un_already_used) {
      shib_auth_error('Error saving user account. User name is already used.');
    else {
      shib_auth_save_authmap($uname, $custom_username, $umail_single);