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function generate_login_text in Shibboleth Authentication 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.3 shib_auth.module \generate_login_text()
  2. 5.2 shib_auth.module \generate_login_text()
  3. 6 shib_auth.module \generate_login_text()
  4. 6.3 shib_auth.module \generate_login_text()

Generate the login text in HTML format using the 't' function @returns HTML text of the login form

2 calls to generate_login_text()
shib_auth_block in ./shib_auth.module
Generate the HTML text for the shib_auth login block
shib_auth_form_alter in ./shib_auth.module
Alters forms for the shibboleth authentication module.


./shib_auth.module, line 94


function generate_login_text() {
  global $base_url, $user;
  if (!$user->uid) {
    $handlerURL = variable_get('shib_auth_handler_url', '/Shibboleth.sso');
    $handlerProtocol = variable_get('shib_auth_handler_protocol', 'https');
    $wayfURI = variable_get('shib_auth_wayf_uri', '/WAYF/HREF');

    // If the WAYF's URI doesn't start with slash then extend it
    if (!ereg("^/", $wayfURI)) {
      $wayfURI = "/" . $wayfURI;
    $handler = '';
    $block_content = '';
    if (ereg("^http[s]{0,1}://", $handlerURL)) {

      // If handlerURL is an absolute path
      $handler = $handlerURL . $wayfURI;
    else {

      // Else, if the handlerURL is a relative path
      // If the WAYF's URI doesn't start with slash then extend it
      if (!ereg("^/", $handlerURL)) {
        $handlerURL = "/" . $handlerURL;
      $handler = $handlerProtocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $handlerURL . $wayfURI;

    //$actualLocation: the path where the Shibboleth should return
    $actualLocation = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

    // If there is no session yet then we should put the login text into the block
    $block_content .= "<p><b><a href=\"{$handler}?target={$actualLocation}\">" . variable_get('auth_link_text', t('Click here to login via Shibboleth!')) . "</a></b></p>";
    return $block_content;