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8 calls to shib_auth_error() in Shibboleth Authentication 6.4

shib_auth_check_identifier in ./shib_auth.module
Check user identifier
shib_auth_custom_mail in ./shib_auth.module
User Data Customization function - MAIL This function handles the mail customization process @uname the username got from IdP @custom_uname the customized username @custom_mail the costumized e-mail address
shib_auth_custom_username in ./shib_auth.module
User Data Customization function - USERNAME This function handles the username customization process @uname the username got from IdP @custom_uname the customized username @umail_single the e-mail address received from IdP
shib_auth_init in ./shib_auth.module
Create a new user based on informations from the Shibboleth handler if it's necessary or log in.
shib_auth_save_authmap in ./shib_auth.module
Saves an entry into shib_authmap and also saves mail if changed A row in the authmap contains the drupal user id, the targeted id from Shibboleth, the IdP name, the date the user was created, and user consent version number. @uname the username got…
shib_auth_save_mail in ./shib_auth.module
Unfortunately if we called user_save() on updating email, we would possibly lose profile fields, so we are forced to hack with the {users} table
shib_auth_terminate_session in ./shib_auth.module
Unset session variables and destroy them
shib_login_authmap in ./shib_auth.module
Login an user based on the shib_authmap informations @uname the username got from IdP @uid drupal user id @umail_single the e-mail address @alreadyloggedin is true if the user has already logged in