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20 calls to shib_auth_config() in Shibboleth Authentication 6.4

shib_auth_admin_advanced in ./
Generate the administration form of the Shibboleth authentication module @returns HTML text of the administration form
shib_auth_admin_general in ./
@file Drupal forms of the Shibboleth authentication module.
shib_auth_block in ./shib_auth.module
Generate the HTML text for the shib_auth login block
shib_auth_cancel_custom in ./shib_auth.module
Cancel button is pressed, redirect user to shib logout, and then to the page he came from / loginurl
shib_auth_consent_update in ./shib_auth.module
This function updates the accepted consent version number of the user to the current one
shib_auth_custom_data in ./
Generate the custom e-mail and username provider form @returns HTML text of the custom data form
shib_auth_custom_data_validate in ./
Form validator - require to fill all of the fields
shib_auth_custom_form in ./shib_auth.module
If any customization or consent option is enabled, the custom form will show up before registering and forces the user to accept user consent and define username and/or e-mail address (prefilling fields with the data coming from the…
shib_auth_custom_mail in ./shib_auth.module
User Data Customization function - MAIL This function handles the mail customization process @uname the username got from IdP @custom_uname the customized username @custom_mail the costumized e-mail address
shib_auth_debug in ./shib_auth.module
Function to determine whether the called page is in the debug path print_r-s $_SERVER if yes
shib_auth_footer in ./shib_auth.module
This footer part executes isPassive script, if the option was checked on the configuration page
shib_auth_generate_login_url in ./shib_auth.module
Generates shibboleth login url based on configuration
shib_auth_get_redirect_base in ./shib_auth.module
shib_auth_goto_custom_form in ./shib_auth.module
User Data Customization function - Redirect user to the custom form This function redirects user to the custom data form, remembering the url, she wanted to visit before registering or a specific login url, if it is set
shib_auth_init in ./shib_auth.module
Create a new user based on informations from the Shibboleth handler if it's necessary or log in.
shib_auth_save_authmap in ./shib_auth.module
Saves an entry into shib_authmap and also saves mail if changed A row in the authmap contains the drupal user id, the targeted id from Shibboleth, the IdP name, the date the user was created, and user consent version number. @uname the username got…
shib_auth_session_check in ./shib_auth.module
This function would destroy the session if
shib_auth_user in ./shib_auth.module
Let the user exit from the Shibboleth authority when he/she log out from the actual Drupal site.
shib_login_authmap in ./shib_auth.module
Login an user based on the shib_authmap informations @uname the username got from IdP @uid drupal user id @umail_single the e-mail address @alreadyloggedin is true if the user has already logged in
_login_url_html in ./shib_auth.module
Generate the login block content if user not logged in