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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Sheetnode 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
sheetnode_feed_plugin_style class views/ 2
sheetnode_handler_field_cell class views/ @file Views handler for sheetnode cells.
sheetnode_handler_field_date class views/ @file Views handler for sheetnode dates.
sheetnode_handler_field_editable class views/ @file Views handler for sheetnode editable fields.
sheetnode_handler_field_named_range class views/ @file Views handler for sheetnode named ranges.
sheetnode_handler_field_range class views/ @file Views handler for sheetnode ranges.
Sheetnode_PHPExcel_HTML2RichText class modules/sheetnode_phpexcel/ @file Class to convert an HTML fragment to a fully-parsed array of styles. Uses TCDPF which is included in PHPExcel.
sheetnode_phpexcel_plugin_style class modules/sheetnode_phpexcel/ @file Views plugin style to run through sheetnode_phpexcel.
sheetnode_plugin_style class views/ 1
sheetnode_raw_plugin_style class views/ @file Views raw plugin for sheetnode as a display style.
SocialCalc_Constants class ./

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