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7 calls to ShareaholicUtilities::page_types() in Share Buttons, Related Posts, Content Analytics - Shareaholic 8

ShareaholicUtilities::get_default_rec_off_locations in ./utilities.php
Get recommendations locations that should be turned off by default
ShareaholicUtilities::get_default_rec_on_locations in ./utilities.php
Get recommendations locations that should be turned on by default
ShareaholicUtilities::get_default_sb_off_locations in ./utilities.php
Get share buttons locations that should be turned off by default
ShareaholicUtilities::get_default_sb_on_locations in ./utilities.php
Get share buttons locations that should be turned on by default
ShareaholicUtilities::get_or_create_api_key in ./utilities.php
Returns the api key or creates a new one.
shareaholic_apps_configuration.tpl.php in templates/shareaholic_apps_configuration.tpl.php
shareaholic_apps_configuration_form_submit in includes/shareaholic_apps_configuration_form.php
Submit handler for the shareaholic_apps_configuration form When submitted, update the location settings