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shareaholic_tos_modal.tpl.php in Share Buttons, Related Posts, Content Analytics - Shareaholic 8

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  1. 7.3 templates/shareaholic_tos_modal.tpl.php


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<div class='reveal-modal blocking-modal' id='terms_of_service_modal'>

print sprintf(t('Thanks for Installing!'));
  <div class="content pal">

print sprintf(t('%sShareaholic%s gives you the essential tools you need to grow your website.'), '<strong>', '</strong>');
  <div class="line pvl">
  <div class="unit size1of3">
    <img src="<?php

print $variables['image_url'];
?>/sharebuttons@2x.png" alt="Share Buttons" width="200" height="200" />

print sprintf(t('%sShare buttons%s enables your readers to spread your content.'), '<strong>', '</strong>');
  <div class="unit size1of3">
    <img src="<?php

print $variables['image_url'];
?>/related_content@2x.png" alt="Related Content" width="200" height="200" />

print sprintf(t('%sRelated content%s keeps people on your site and turns visitors into readers.'), '<strong>', '</strong>');
  <div class="unit size1of3">
    <img src="<?php

print $variables['image_url'];
?>/analytics@2x.png" alt="Analytics" width="200" height="200" />

print sprintf(t('%sAnalytics%s gives you all the insights you need to grow your site.'), '<strong>', '</strong>');
  <div class="pvl">

print $variables['shareaholic_tos_modal']['hidden'];

print $variables['shareaholic_tos_modal']['submit'];

print sprintf(t('By clicking "Get Started" you agree to Shareholic\'s %sTerms of Service%s and %sPrivacy Policy%s.'), '<a href="" target="_new">', '</a>', '<a href="" target="_new">', '</a>');