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footer.php in Share Buttons, Related Posts, Content Analytics - Shareaholic 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.3 templates/footer.php


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<div style="margin-top:45px;"></div>
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echo sprintf(t('%sShareaholic for Drupal v' . ShareaholicUtilities::get_version() . '%s | %sPrivacy Policy%s | %sTerms of Service%s | %sSupport Center%s | %sAPI%s | %sSocial Analytics%s'), '<a href="" target="_new">', '</a>', '<a href="" target="_new">', '</a>', '<a href="" target="_new">', '</a>', '<a href="" target="_new">', '</a>', '<a href="" target="_new">', '</a>', '<a href="' . ShareaholicUtilities::get_host() . '&src=drupal_admin" target="_new">', '</a>');
  <br />
  <small class="muted">

echo sprintf(t('%sGet Involved%s. Made with much love in Boston, Massachusetts.'), '<a href="" target="_new">', '</a>');
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  <iframe src="//;width&amp;layout=standard&amp;action=like&amp;show_faces=true&amp;share=false&amp;height=80&amp;width=500&amp;appId=207766518608" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:500px; height:80px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

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