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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Session Proxy 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
SessionProxy_Backend_Base abstract class lib/SessionProxy/Backend/Base.php 2
SessionProxy_Backend_Default class lib/SessionProxy/Backend/Default.php Default implementation relies on a custom storage engine.
SessionProxy_Backend_Interface interface lib/SessionProxy/Backend/Interface.php Drupal specific session handling additions. 1
SessionProxy_Backend_Native class lib/SessionProxy/Backend/Native.php Native implementation of session backend: use PHP native session handling. Using it allows to use built-in extensions session handling, such as Redis or Memcache extensions features, which are known to be really fast.
SessionProxy_Helper class lib/SessionProxy/Helper.php Static tool container.
SessionProxy_Storage_Base abstract class lib/SessionProxy/Storage/Base.php 2
SessionProxy_Storage_Cache class lib/SessionProxy/Storage/Cache.php Storage implementation based upon a specific cache backend.
SessionProxy_Storage_Database class lib/SessionProxy/Storage/Database.php
SessionProxy_Storage_Interface interface lib/SessionProxy/Storage/Interface.php Storage implementation must be able to index all session using the owner user identifier: this complexify the session handling but allow aggresive optimizations. 1

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