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class SessionLimit in Session Limit 2.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Services/SessionLimit.php \Drupal\session_limit\Services\SessionLimit


  • class \Drupal\session_limit\Services\SessionLimit implements \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface

Expanded class hierarchy of SessionLimit

2 files declare their use of SessionLimit
SessionLimitForm.php in src/Form/SessionLimitForm.php
SettingsForm.php in src/Form/SettingsForm.php
1 string reference to 'SessionLimit' in ./
1 service uses SessionLimit
session_limit in ./


src/Services/SessionLimit.php, line 23


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class SessionLimit implements EventSubscriberInterface {
  const ACTION_ASK = 0;

   * @return array
   *   Keys are session limit action ids
   *   Values are text descriptions of each action.
  public static function getActions() {
    return [
      SessionLimit::ACTION_ASK => t('Ask user which session to end.'),
      SessionLimit::ACTION_DROP_OLDEST => t('Automatically drop the oldest sessions.'),
      SessionLimit::ACTION_PREVENT_NEW => t('Prevent creating of any new sessions.'),

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
    $events[KernelEvents::REQUEST][] = [
    $events['session_limit.bypass'][] = [
    $events['session_limit.collision'][] = [
    return $events;

   * @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxyInterface
  protected $currentUser;

   * @var RouteMatchInterface
  protected $routeMatch;

   * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
  protected $database;

   * @var EventDispatcherInterface
  protected $eventDispatcher;

   * @var SessionManager
  protected $sessionManager;

   * @var ModuleHandler
  protected $moduleHandler;

   * @var ConfigFactory
  protected $configFactory;

   * The messenger.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface
  protected $messenger;

   * SessionLimit constructor.
   * @param Connection $database
   *   The database connection.
   * @param EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher
   *   The event dispatcher service.
   * @param RouteMatchInterface $routeMatch
   *   The Route.
   * @param AccountProxy $currentUser
   *   The current user.
   * @param SessionManager $sessionManager
   *   Session manager.
   * @param ModuleHandler $moduleHandler
   *   Module handler.
   * @param ConfigFactory $configFactory
   *   Config factory.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface $messenger
   *   The messenger.
  public function __construct(Connection $database, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher, RouteMatchInterface $routeMatch, AccountProxy $currentUser, SessionManager $sessionManager, ModuleHandler $moduleHandler, ConfigFactory $configFactory, MessengerInterface $messenger) {
    $this->routeMatch = $routeMatch;
    $this->database = $database;
    $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
    $this->currentUser = $currentUser;
    $this->sessionManager = $sessionManager;
    $this->moduleHandler = $moduleHandler;
    $this->configFactory = $configFactory;
    $this->messenger = $messenger;

   * @return RouteMatchInterface
  public function getRouteMatch() {
    return $this->routeMatch;

   * @return EventDispatcherInterface
  public function getEventDispatcher() {
    return $this->eventDispatcher;

   * @return \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxyInterface
  protected function getCurrentUser() {
    return $this->currentUser;

   * Event listener, on executing a Kernel request.
   * Check the users active sessions and invoke a session collision if it is
   * higher than the configured limit.
  public function onKernelRequest() {

    // Show session messages to the user if they have been logged out.
    if (isset($_SESSION['messages'])) {
      $session_messages = $_SESSION['messages'];
      foreach ($session_messages as $severity => $message_object) {
        foreach ($message_object as $message) {
            ->addMessage($message, $severity);

      // Remove messages from session so that it only displays once.

    /** @var SessionLimitBypassEvent $bypassEvent */
    $bypassEvent = $this
      ->dispatch('session_limit.bypass', new SessionLimitBypassEvent());

    // Check the result of the event to see if we should bypass.
    if ($bypassEvent
      ->shouldBypass()) {
    $active_sessions = $this
    $max_sessions = $this
    if ($max_sessions > 0 && $active_sessions > $max_sessions) {
      $collisionEvent = new SessionLimitCollisionEvent(session_id(), $this
        ->getCurrentUser(), $active_sessions, $max_sessions);
        ->dispatch('session_limit.collision', $collisionEvent);
    else {

      // force checking this twice as there's a race condition around
      // sessionId creation see issue #1176412.
      // @todo accessing the $_SESSION super global is bad.
      if (!isset($_SESSION['session_limit_checkonce'])) {
        $_SESSION['session_limit_checkonce'] = TRUE;
      else {

        // mark sessionId as verified to bypass this in future.
        $_SESSION['session_limit'] = TRUE;

   * Event listener, on check for session check bypass.
   * @param SessionLimitBypassEvent $event
  public function onSessionLimitBypass(SessionLimitBypassEvent $event) {
    $admin_bypass_check = $this->configFactory
    $uid = $admin_bypass_check ? 1 : 2;
    if ($this
      ->id() < $uid) {

      // User 1 and anonymous don't get session checked.
    if ($this
      ->getMasqueradeIgnore() && \Drupal::service('masquerade')
      ->isMasquerading()) {

      // Masquerading sessions do not count.

    // @todo accessing the $_SESSION super global is probably bad.
    if (isset($_SESSION['session_limit'])) {

      // Already checked people do not get session checked.
    $route = $this
    $current_path = $route
    $bypass_paths = [
    if (in_array($current_path, $bypass_paths)) {

      // Don't session check on these routes.

   * React to a collision event.
   * The user has more sessions than they are allowed. Depending on the
   * configured behaviour of the module we will either drop existing sessions,
   * prevent this new session or ask the user what to do.
   * @param SessionLimitCollisionEvent $event
  public function onSessionCollision(SessionLimitCollisionEvent $event) {
    switch ($this
      ->getCollisionBehaviour()) {
      case self::ACTION_ASK:
      case self::ACTION_PREVENT_NEW:
      case self::ACTION_DROP_OLDEST:

   * React to a session collision by asking the user which session to end.
  protected function _onSessionCollision__Ask() {
      ->addMessage(t('You have too many active sessions. Please choose a session to end.'));
    $response = new RedirectResponse(Url::fromRoute('session_limit.limit_form')
      ->toString(), 307, [
      'Cache-Control' => 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0',
      'Expires' => 'Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT',

   * React to a session collision by preventing new sessions.
   * @param SessionLimitCollisionEvent $event
   *   The session collision event.
  protected function _onSessionCollision__PreventNew(SessionLimitCollisionEvent $event) {

    /** @var SessionLimitDisconnectEvent $disconnectEvent */
    $disconnectEvent = $this
      ->dispatch('session_limit.disconnect', new SessionLimitDisconnectEvent($event
      ->getSessionId(), $event, $this
    if (!$disconnectEvent
      ->shouldPreventDisconnect()) {

   * React to a session collision by dropping older sessions.
   * @param SessionLimitCollisionEvent $event
   *   The session collision event.
  protected function _onSessionCollision__DropOldest(SessionLimitCollisionEvent $event) {

    // Get the number of sessions that should be removed.
    // @todo replace the straight db query with a select.
    $limit = $this->database
      ->query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(sid)) - :max_sessions FROM {sessions} WHERE uid = :uid", array(
      ':max_sessions' => $event
      ':uid' => $event
    if ($limit > 0) {

      // Secure sessionId ids are separate rows in the database, but we don't
      // want to kick the user off there http sessionId and not there https
      // sessionId or vice versa. This is why this query is DISTINCT.
      $result = $this->database
        ->select('sessions', 's')
        ->fields('s', array(
        ->condition('s.uid', $event
        ->orderBy('timestamp', 'ASC')
        ->range(0, $limit)
      foreach ($result as $session) {

        /** @var SessionLimitDisconnectEvent $disconnectEvent */
        $disconnectEvent = $this
          ->dispatch('session_limit.disconnect', new SessionLimitDisconnectEvent($event
          ->getSessionId(), $event, $this
        if (!$disconnectEvent
          ->shouldPreventDisconnect()) {
            ->sessionDisconnect($session->sid, $disconnectEvent

   * Disconnect a sessionId.
   * @param string $sessionId
   *   The session being disconnected
   * @param string $message
   *   The logout message which must be already translated by this point
  public function sessionDisconnect($sessionId, $message) {
    $serialized_message = '';
    if ($this
      ->hasMessageSeverity() && !empty($message)) {
      $serialized_message = 'messages|' . serialize([
          ->getMessageSeverity() => [
      'uid' => 0,
      'session' => $serialized_message,
      ->condition('sid', $sessionId)

    // @todo add a watchdog log entry.

   * Disconnect the active session.
   * This is called when the user is prevented from logging in due to an
   * existing open session.
   * @param string $message
  public function sessionActiveDisconnect($message) {
      ->addMessage($message, $this
      ->invokeAll('user_logout', array(
      ->setAccount(new AnonymousUserSession());

   * Get the number of active sessions for a user.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account
   *   The user to check on.
   * @return int
   *   The total number of active sessions for the given user
  public function getUserActiveSessionCount(AccountInterface $account) {
    $query = $this->database
      ->select('sessions', 's')
      ->fields('s', [
      ->condition('s.uid', $account
    if ($this
      ->getMasqueradeIgnore()) {

      // Masquerading sessions do not count.
      $like = '%' . $this->database
        ->escapeLike('masquerading') . '%';
        ->condition('s.session', $like, 'NOT LIKE');

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Select $query */
    return $query

   * Get a list of active sessions for a user.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account
   *   The user to check on.
   * @return array
   *   A list of session objects for the user.
  public function getUserActiveSessions(AccountInterface $account) {
    $query = $this->database
      ->select('sessions', 's')
      ->fields('s', [
      ->condition('s.uid', $account
    if ($this
      ->getMasqueradeIgnore()) {

      // Masquerading sessions do not count.
      $like = '%' . $this->database
        ->escapeLike('masquerading') . '%';
        ->condition('s.session', $like, 'NOT LIKE');

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Select $query */
    return $query

   * Get the maximum sessions allowed for a specific user.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account
   * @return int
   *   The number of allowed sessions. A value less than 1 means unlimited.
  public function getUserMaxSessions(AccountInterface $account) {
    $limit = $this->configFactory
    $role_limits = $this->configFactory
    foreach ($account
      ->getRoles() as $rid) {
      if (!empty($role_limits[$rid])) {
        if ($role_limits[$rid] == self::USER_UNLIMITED_SESSIONS) {

          // If they have an unlimited role then just return the unlimited value;
          return self::USER_UNLIMITED_SESSIONS;

        // Otherwise, the user gets the largest limit available.
        $limit = max($limit, $role_limits[$rid]);

    // @todo reinstate per user limits.
    return $limit;

   * @return int
   *   Will return one of the constants provided by getActions().
  public function getCollisionBehaviour() {
    return $this->configFactory

   * @return bool
   *   Should we ignore masqueraded sessions?
  public function getMasqueradeIgnore() {
    $masqueradeModuleExists = $this->moduleHandler
    if (!$masqueradeModuleExists) {
      return FALSE;
    return $this->configFactory

   * return @bool
  public function hasMessageSeverity() {
    $severity = $this
    return !empty($severity) && in_array($severity, [

   * Get the severity of the logout message to the user.
   * @return string
  public function getMessageSeverity() {
    return $this->configFactory

   * Get the logged out message for the given user.
   * @param AccountInterface $account
   * @return string
  public function getMessage(AccountInterface $account) {
    return t('You have been automatically logged out. Someone else has logged in with your username and password and the maximum number of @number simultaneous session(s) was exceeded. This may indicate that your account has been compromised or that account sharing is not allowed on this site. Please contact the site administrator if you suspect your account has been compromised.', [
      '@number' => $this



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
SessionLimit::$configFactory protected property
SessionLimit::$currentUser protected property
SessionLimit::$database protected property
SessionLimit::$eventDispatcher protected property
SessionLimit::$messenger protected property The messenger.
SessionLimit::$moduleHandler protected property
SessionLimit::$routeMatch protected property
SessionLimit::$sessionManager protected property
SessionLimit::ACTION_ASK constant
SessionLimit::ACTION_DROP_OLDEST constant
SessionLimit::ACTION_PREVENT_NEW constant
SessionLimit::getActions public static function
SessionLimit::getCollisionBehaviour public function
SessionLimit::getCurrentUser protected function
SessionLimit::getEventDispatcher public function
SessionLimit::getMasqueradeIgnore public function
SessionLimit::getMessage public function Get the logged out message for the given user.
SessionLimit::getMessageSeverity public function Get the severity of the logout message to the user.
SessionLimit::getRouteMatch public function
SessionLimit::getSubscribedEvents public static function
SessionLimit::getUserActiveSessionCount public function Get the number of active sessions for a user.
SessionLimit::getUserActiveSessions public function Get a list of active sessions for a user.
SessionLimit::getUserMaxSessions public function Get the maximum sessions allowed for a specific user.
SessionLimit::hasMessageSeverity public function return @bool
SessionLimit::onKernelRequest public function Event listener, on executing a Kernel request.
SessionLimit::onSessionCollision public function React to a collision event.
SessionLimit::onSessionLimitBypass public function Event listener, on check for session check bypass.
SessionLimit::sessionActiveDisconnect public function Disconnect the active session.
SessionLimit::sessionDisconnect public function Disconnect a sessionId.
SessionLimit::USER_UNLIMITED_SESSIONS constant
SessionLimit::_onSessionCollision__Ask protected function React to a session collision by asking the user which session to end.
SessionLimit::_onSessionCollision__DropOldest protected function React to a session collision by dropping older sessions.
SessionLimit::_onSessionCollision__PreventNew protected function React to a session collision by preventing new sessions.
SessionLimit::__construct public function SessionLimit constructor.