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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Services Entity API 7.2

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
ServicesEntityClass class tests/services_entity_test/services_entity_test.module Main class for test entities.
ServicesEntityGenericEntityResource class tests/services_entity.test Test resources on the Generic controller, using a test entity type.
ServicesEntityNodeResourceTest class tests/services_entity.test Tests entity_node services for both the generic and clean controller.
ServicesEntityResourceController class plugins/ Generic controller for entity-bases resources. 1
ServicesEntityResourceControllerClean class plugins/ This class is designed to create a very clean API that integrates with the services and entity modules. We want to strip all "drupalisms" out of the API. For example, there should be no [LANGUAGE_NONE][0][value] or field_ in the API.
ServicesEntityTestHelper class tests/services_entity.test Services Entity Test Helper class. 2
ServicesResourceControllerAbstract abstract class plugins/ An abstract controller providing basic CRUD resource info for entities. 1
ServicesResourceControllerInterface interface plugins/ Specifies CRUD and access methods for resources. 1

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