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function services_update_7303 in Services 7.3

Update 7303 adds the possibility to configure server settings on a per-endpoint basis. and sets upgrades all new servers to have at least services session enabled.


./services.install, line 223
Install, uninstall and update the Services module.


function services_update_7303() {

  // Add the new server settings field.
  if (!db_field_exists('services_endpoint', 'server_settings')) {
    db_add_field('services_endpoint', 'server_settings', array(
      'description' => 'The server settings for the endpoint.',
      'type' => 'blob',
      'size' => 'big',
      'not null' => TRUE,
      'serialize' => TRUE,
      'initial' => '',

  // Fetch all endpoints that currently exist
  $result = db_select('services_endpoint', 'se')

  // Loop through every endpoint and update the authentication section.
  // Note, this will not remove previous authentication settings, it will
  // only add to them.
  foreach ($result as $services_endpoint_object) {
    $new_authentication = array(
      'services' => 'services',
    $unserial_endpoint_settings = unserialize($services_endpoint_object->authentication);
      'authentication' => serialize(array_merge($unserial_endpoint_settings, $new_authentication)),
      ->condition('eid', $services_endpoint_object->eid)