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function _file_resource_create_raw in Services 7.3

Adds new files and returns the files array.

Return value

Array of file objects with URIS to access them

1 string reference to '_file_resource_create_raw'
_file_resource_definition in resources/
THERE SHOULD BE NO UPDATE!!! Drupal doesn't allow updating or replacing a file in the files table. If you need to, create a new file and remove the old file.


resources/, line 210
File resource.


function _file_resource_create_raw() {
  $files = array();
  if (!isset($_FILES['files']['name'])) {
    return services_error(t("Missing data, the file upload cannot be uploaded."), 500);

  // Convert a typical html file input payload to what we need down the line,
  // that way this resource is more developer friendly.
  if (!is_array($_FILES['files']['name'])) {
    $_FILES['files']['name'] = array(
    $_FILES['files']['type'] = array(
    $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'] = array(
    $_FILES['files']['error'] = array(
    $_FILES['files']['size'] = array(
  foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $field_name => $file_name) {

    // Sanitize the user-input file name before saving to the file system. Note,
    // if the file extensions isn't valid here, the file's extension will have
    // been converted to a .txt, which means the file will be successfully
    // uploaded with a .txt extension instead (if it passes the $validators
    // below.
    $_FILES['files']['name'][$field_name] = _services_file_check_name_extension($file_name);

    // file_save_upload() validates the file extension and name's length. File
    // size is limited by the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.
    $scheme = file_default_scheme();

    // Set file validators: allowed extension
    $validators = array();
    $extensions = variable_get('services_allowed_extensions', SERVICES_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS);
    $validators['file_validate_extensions'] = array(
    $file = file_save_upload($field_name, $validators, "{$scheme}://");
    if (!empty($file->fid)) {

      // Change the file status from temporary to permanent.
      $file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT;

      // Required to be able to reference this file.
      file_usage_add($file, 'services', 'files', $file->fid);
      $files[] = array(
        'fid' => $file->fid,
        'uri' => services_resource_uri(array(
    else {
      return services_error(t('Failed to save the file.'), 500);
  return $files;